An Ordinary Day (Part 1/5)

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Shepard sat up, confused. She was at her desk, She was looking at her terminal. Had she fallen asleep at work again? She didn't stay up that late last night. Trying to reorganize her desks, she gathered her papers, tapping them so they were in a neat pile, before turning to look at her computer.

What was it she was doing before...Something about looking for someone. No it was something. Oh right, she needed to find the expense report and send it up to her boss for a meeting about....something she didn't know. She didn't need to know. Typing on the computer she searched the Company's records and compiled the information, it was rather basic and easy to do. 

She printed off the form. Getting up from the desk and going to the printer, she passed by the breakroom, some of her co-workers adjusting a radio.

"And in current world events we have the the conflict escalating between the Theocracy of Batar and the Federation of Tur. With the closing of the Embassies in Tur by the Theocracy of Batar. Both countries have increased their arm forces presence on their boarders." the radio said.

"Spirits, they just are trying to provoke a war at this point." one of her coworkers said.

"Well, we don't have to worry. Not like those demon worshipers have a chance." another said.

Shepard picked up the papers from the printer and walked back to her cubical. Stapling the papers together, she would set it in the out pile on her desk.

The work day passed by fairly normally. Leaving the office, and walking to her apartment, she noticed some police cars driving by with their lights on. Entering her apartment building, she saw a package in front of her door.  

Looking at it, it was address to her. Bringing it inside of her room and opening it, she found that it was a small framed photograph. 

The picture was of her, but....she looked wonky, like some crummy cheap sci-fi movie alien. Garrus was worse, having  a full helmet and crest. Next were....others she couldn't recognize. 

"Did I get black out drunk at the last Con? Or....jeez, I don't even recognize what that's suppose to be from." She said.

Looking inside the box she found nothing else. Picking up the photo, she looked on the back and saw one of the hooks used to secure the back of the frame and the board that sandwiched the picture to the glass was undone. She laid the frame so the photo was face down, before walking over to her living room. Picking up the phone she entered in a number and gave someone a call.

A few rings later and it was picked up.

"Hey pumpkin! How are you doing?" Her dad answered.

"Doing good. Just calling to see how everything is going back home. Heard about issues getting bad on the radio at work." She said.

"Ah don't worry. They are just trying to make themselves look like the victim. We'll be shaking spears but I doubt anything will actually happen." her dad explained.

"I'm just worried. Maybe you can come over here for a bit, at least until things calm down, I can pull the bed out of the couch for you." Shepard said.

She heard a laugh on the other end.

"You're making it sound like it's just a small trip." Her father said.

"I'm just worried, that's all." Shepard answered.

"Just remember, if you worry about every little thing you'll lose your hair before I lose mine." Her father said.

"What about Uncle? What is he doing?" Shepard asked.

"He's off and has been for a while. He's doing good work./He's the one trapping you in there!!!"

"What? I think I heard the TV, can you repeat that?" Shepard asked.

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