Turians 4

405 8 2

The Turian Hierarchy had gotten news, a gang had been able to take over a bank and was holding several hostages. They were a lot more armored and heavily armed. They police were able to hold them in position, but it may as well be considered a siege, or....It may have been if it was a few years ago.

With the number of cameras and eyes on the area, what was about to happen would no longer be a secret. A black shuttle flew in over the building and the doors opened. 4 soldiers dropped down, holding rifles and dressed in black armor, helmets having a red line across the brow, before they planted 4 packs on the roof, before they stepped back. They then connected thick straps from the sides together and moved back, before the packs detonated.

Gunfire pored into the hole, and the 4 figures waited, until they moved in, with robes connected to the backs of their armor and leapt into the hole. Internal spy cameras were able to pick up the actions that happened next. The 4 figures reached the floor and opened fire with the identified "Truth Keepers". They used cycling shot types to confuse the enemy and disable the shields, barriers and armor quickly.

The next action was a mix of concussive and non-lethal to disable now less defended criminals. Within seconds the 4 black armored figures would round up the various criminals inside.

"Code 81.A Ownership of unregistered firearms- 5 years, Code 125.C possession of a lethal weapon inside of governmental buildings- 15 years. 94.D the intent to harm and/or kill civilians- 50 years.  Code 100.A The fatal injuring of law enforcement." One spoke.

"How long? Life?" One criminal asked.

The black armored figure drew their gun and fired into the head, only to be answered with "Death." 

The criminals were brought out and the 4 mysterious figures were shown wearing badges, with that of a golden Avian creature. Reporters and law enforcement quickly moved in, to get information, and to control the crowds, respectively.

"Who are you?" a reporter asked.

One of the figures holstered the rifle as they handed the criminals off, and one removed their helmet.

"We are the Law Masters, we are sent in where the police can't break through, but the military would be too harsh." the turian spoke. 

"Whats your name?" another reporter asked.

The turian turned.

"My name? I am Law Master Vakarian." the turian said.

A few months after the event, the government of the Hierarchy was rather ecstatic to discover physical achieves on the Ark shown to them by the Artificial beings. 

After discovering the physical book, which was rare in this day and age, Primarch Victorinus had not put it down as he was enthralled with it. Every moment he could he would continue reading the book of a soldier who fought a war that was similar to the rachni war that it scared him, thoughts ran rampant in his mind that this had to have been what caused the creation of the arks, what drove humanity from their home, a war for literal survival and they had lost. Of course once he came into the chambers he saw others with a similar face to his. 

"You also read it as well?" He asked to which the others simply gave a curt nod. 

"I, I cant even begin to wonder the legacy these children will have to live up to, what their ancestors did to fight for their right to live." Commented the minter for the military while the minister of welfare spoke up, "I cant help but feel sorry for those who fought back the hordes so that the Arks could escape their home...the lifes that had to have been lost so that the next generation could survive." 

That caused the room to become silent as each had a thought of what they learned from what could only be described as a soldiers memoir.

The door opened and Wraith walked in, no longer needing a cane or any support to walk around anymore. She smiled, and held a small data pad, before setting it down on the central table. 

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