The Lead up, Part 1

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Illium, a world known for it's large businesses district, was now having a large tower built. To many it came as a surprise, when the Cyber Union purchased the land, and would build the large tower. Even more when they shot into the top 100 most successful businesses in it's first month of operations.

The Advancements in medicine and cybernetics was a rather surprising entry, especially due to the fact it was the Quarians, who no longer were wondering, they had returned to their home world. The Cybernetics could be made in a standard, or custom made, including the exterior covers.

The Salarians, who were not falling behind much of the galaxy, were angry. Spies would work to try and gain the information. The STG had worked hard to try make a list of what they could try and get their hands on to actually catch up.

Gaian Alchemy: Asari: Secrets too well kept, doesn't permit outsiders into organizations that teach the principles, "Alchemists" highly protected. Can not acquire.
Gaian Elemental Manipulation: Turian: Infiltration attempts thwarted by possibly insane customs official. Can not acquire.
Gaian Rune craft: Krogan: No, atmosphere of Tuchanka too unstable for long term observation. Entity known as "Thor" has destroyed 3 entry crafts
Technomancy and Possible Advanced Medical techniques: Quarians: Difficulty in infiltration, use of refitted Geth ships in patrol have caught all stealth ships attempting to enter system.

"We lost our chance have the advancements in the galaxy, Our only chance now is to find the secrets." Dalatrass Holano shouted.

Many of the Salarian leaders were now angry. They had lost their position, Their Ark, now, they were even at risk of loosing their Council Seat as the Citadel had lost it's symbol of unity.

They real question is how did the Quarians get two arks? And How did they defeat the geth. Any attempts to acquire and study the medicine they use usually ends with no clear elements being part, no chemical mixture were made to create the Pills the Quarians had called the "Refinement Medicine."

All attempts were barely even able to enter the space that held the Arks, and the various races were extremely protective of the gaian information. Attempts to allow Citadel races to access the logs were consistantly voted down. 

To the Salarians, they would need to do something rather underhanded. They would need to begin some unethical medical experimentation, so eventually, they could advance their position of power.

"My the Stones of Life forgive us for what we will do." One Salarian said.


"As we learned, Gaian history can be understood in three major periods. Period One is the Pre-philosopher times. At this time, the majority of issues were due to the disconnected nature of their civilizations, created by limitations of travel and lacking technology. Period Two was the Early Philosopher era. This period was marked by the wider communication of philosophy and the sharing of knowledge. We also see the creation of the First Philosopher Order, known as the Order of the Divine Stone. The Third Period was after the 3rd Occult War, a global conflict that was between the various Philosopher nations and an alliance of 5 nations who pursued Science, ending before the development of atomic weapons could be developed and used on population centers.

Now can anyone tell me which period had the wide spread use of space travel was in?" A teacher asked, looking across the room full of students. No one was answering, before the teacher noticed one was reading the text book.

"Garrus Vakarian, since you seemed so interested, can you answer the question?" The teacher asked, walking up to him, only for the text book to slip down, and she noticed, he was reading a book, but not the text book.

Garrus was reading an executioner comic book, a story of a golem sent back in time to kill the leader of a rebel faction, who destroyed a Mind Golem, that would eventually start a global war that nearly killed everyone, except for a group of survivors who sent their own man back to save the mother of the rebel leader.

"Mister Vakarian. Pay attention. You may retrieve it at the end of the day." She said, grabbing the comic book and putting it in her desk drawer.

The bell rang, and everyone was let out of class. Some Students were watching Federation news on their Onmi-devices.

"Federation News Update. The Council has received the request for a world for the first Gaian independent colony. This world would be known as Zion, and is located on the edge of Citadel space. The Citadel species have also signed an agreement that orbital defense batteries will be built to protect against meteors from impacting the planet, along with a final agreement to have the fleets protect if in danger. Would you like to learn more?"

"I heard about the Defense batteries, there's a glitch in them from what I heard."

"Let's see."

"Federation Orbital Defense batteries over the colony of Syglar continue have the mysterious glitch. It is advised to all Batarian Hegemony ships to remain away from the young colony world near the edge of Turian Batarian space, the risks to life has noted as several batarian military ships have been badly damaged and nearly destroyed. Our best programmers are working on combatting the strange virus that has inflected the defense systems in the contested system." 

Garrus opened him Omni-device, and looked at the video-sharing site, seeing that there was a new movie being made, an action movie about an elite Turian squad that was being hunted by a mysterious creature, on an untamed, uninhabitable world, staring Arrcus Sultius, a turian bodybuilder turned actor. It was called "Hunter"

"Sweet! This will be epic!" Garrus said, before he grabbed his book for the next class, and rushed through the hall.


Samara was in the Maiden's Grand Temple, in Babylon. She had spent years looking for her rogue daughter. She had slowly narrowed it down, she was somewhere around the Terminus systems. Samara would enter the temple.

"Revered Mother." One Maiden said, bowing.

"My child. I wish to speak with the Alchemist." Samara said.

"Of course. The Alchemist is in his laboratory." the Maiden explained.

Samara would walk into the Lab of the Alchemist in the grand temple. She looked at one of the Alchemist, one of the Elder Alchemists, responsible for the more specialized Alchemical catalysts. 

"Master Alchemist. I am hoping that you could create a tracking catalyst." Samara said.

"I would need the DNA of the one you are tracking." The Alchemist explained.

"That target is my daughter. I suspect that she was responsible for the death of an alchemist some time ago, and now has alchemical knowledge. There have also been reports of similar weather attacking colonies after a few disappearances, and in cities." Samara said.

"Hmmmm, I can make Tracking stones, but the great map will need to be calibrated. The stones will track anyone who shares your blood." The Alchemist said.

Samara would take the blood of Samara, and mix it into crystals, before shattering, allowing the shattered sections to be imbued by energy. Soon, a great map, carved into the floor of a large room. The stones were placed in the center, before the stones started to shake, moving towards the various areas, two gathered on Lesuss, and one was still shaking, spinning in.

"Oh my...." The alchemist said.

"What is the meaning of that action?" Samara asked.

"It means that she's been traveling. This traces where they blood has been. And her blood is in a fair number of places. Until she settles for some time, it will keep circling areas." The alchemist said.

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