Asari 3

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H-001 was doing her assignment, she was tasked to going to Thessia, and gather supplies. The list was rather simple. As she stepped off, people took nice to her. Maybe it was the black body suit that was covered by the black cloak, maybe it was her hair being put back and up, mimicking the asari head, with the rest of her hair hung freely being her head. She looked down at the Omni-tool that surrounded her arm. Quickly reading the directions she confirmed the budget, and closed it

She followed the directions to the market, moving through the crowd. Some Asari looked at her, with disgust, others ignored her.

H-001 was very lucky Eve had still found her useful. H-001 however still had signs of her "age". Homunculi didn't age like many others species, from the moment they were created, they would be as they were, flaws included. They could heal from injuries, even if a hand was removed, if it was reattached, in a relatively soon after, it could still function to an acceptable standard. H-001 had begun to suffer her body degenerating, including some damage to her eyes. Instead of her red eyes, she now had crystals that were in the place of her eyes.

She was at the market. After purchasing some of the supplies she needed, she was approached from behind.

"Hey, move it!" an asari said, as she pushed H-001 to the side, getting to a stall and purchasing something.

H-001 pushed against her crystal eye, and securing it into her socket. As she returned to the ship, that was to taker her back, she was approached.

"Hey, This is an asari only port." a brutish asari said.

H-001 looked them over, they had a patch on their jacket, that was a black circle, with 3 lines through it.

"This one is only to return to this one's home." H-001 said.

"Yeah? Well get your alien ass out of this port and do it like the other species." the brute said.

"This one can not, as this one is not to deviate from the instructions given." the homunculus said.

"Shut up you hanar lover!" the brute shouted.

H-001 remained in place, only to be grabbed and struck in the face. H-001 simply blinked as blood dripped from her nose. The Asari frowned and her hand glowed with biotic energy. She pulled her arm back and struck H-001 in the head, causing one of the eyes to fall from her eye socket.

The Asari smiled as she grabbed it. An alarm was heard, as another Asari ran over, to see if H-001 was ok. Placing a hand over the empty socket, H-001 smiled.

"This one is fine. The Authorities will be given information once it can found." She explained.

As the police arrived.

"This one sees.....the eye is entering a shop, "Elen'rah" if you could retrieve they eye, this one would be most grateful." H-001 explained, slightly bowing.

The Police found the shop, and found the eye. They were able to return it, and H-001 uncovered her socket and pushed the crystal in, scarring quite a few people who didn't expect her to place the eye inside of her eye socket. Blinking, the circle moved and H-001 could see normally again.

-later on that day-

The homunculous returned to Lusia, and then Babylon. Babylon was a three tired city.

The first ring, the ring of the Body, was primarily housing and community areas for those that lived in Babylon. The Asari, who some had brought their own children, would mingle with the developing Gaian families, both with parks, theaters, small business centers.

The second ring, the ring of the Spirit, was home to more cultural and larger businesses. Shopping centers, walk dinning, museums, including those of Gaian cultures. There were also schools that were placed, along with some temples, both asari, and Gaian.

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