Slice of Life 3

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Tali'Zorah was looking over the edge of a cliff, enjoying the breeze of the sea as it moved over her. She had done this dozens of times in the Matrix, but.....this....this was better, it felt better, it smelled better, the warmth of her skin felt more real. She sat there, for some time, enjoying the sensation, before she got up and walked back to her Motorbike. She smiled, revving the engine before it sped off from the overlook. 

Passing by the school, she was getting a technical education, but that was a lead up to her real desire, being a Ghost Tracker, creating any weapon she needed with her mind, while in the Matrix, was something Ghost Trackers were known for. 

As she kept going, she slowed and pulled into a parking lot, looking at a store she liked. Min'zoa's Miniature Mayhem, for all the wargaming table top needs. Tali looked at her Omni-tool, and looked at her credit's account, before swallowing, she was.....a bit tight on her miniature budget.

"Maybe I should go inside, just see if there are any new Flotilla ships for sale." Tali said, starting to put her bike down, before she got a message from her mom.

Miria: Come home, dinner is almost ready.

Starting the bike up, Tali would drive towards her home, a her bank account relived she narrowly avoided the expensive hobby she loved. Riding through streets, she would arrive home, and go to the door.

Stepping in her house, she saw her mom, preparing supper. 

"Hi Mom, is dad back?" Tali asked.

"He had to go on a trip, he's at the Citadel, to help train C-Sec on the protocol for Matrix stations. It may take a few days, but he will call when he gets there, we can have a supper in the Family Server, so we can enjoy a a family." Miria explained.

Tali smiled.

"Ok, I'm just going to go to my room, to relax." Tali said, climbing the steps, and entering her room. 

She would look at her room, it was a little bare, but....that was on purpose. Flipping a switch, the lights turned off, and RGB light strips turned on, a desk flipped up and a games set up extended from the wall. She sat in her chair and turned on her Phantom Game system, and started playing Chaos Syndrome. 

Getting into the lobby, she plugged a cord in to her head set.

"Oh god it's a sweat lord." came over her headset, as her rank 80 showed up in the multiplayer lobby.

"Oh trust me, It's only sweaty when you loose to them. But hey, I'll go easy, I'll only knife strike you." Tali said.

-20 minutes later-

"You have to have some sweaty fucking balls to be playing that hard and top scoring, you level 84, never leaving the basement squeaker who has no friends." 

"Ha, you're just mad that I top scored focusing just you, besides, I at least don't have to hide behind a machismo and call every girl who plays a squeaker, now take the L that's between your legs and just leave, maybe you'll have better luck next time, you Bosh'tet." Tali said back.

"That suit must be real musky with how hard you are sweating." another said.

"Still smells better than your unwashed body, did mommy not have time to bring out the kiddy pool and hose to spray you off?" She snapped back.

Tali, had top scored on the game again, and as she said she would, she only used her melee attack, along with the recharging flash ability.

"Oh yeah, you had more flash spam than a peepshow, might as well call you the flasher and put you on a registry with how many kids you flashed."

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