Turian 2

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The Turian Hierarchy's council were in a meeting. It was an Emergency Session, so a few of the people were not in their full suits.

"We have 360 days to prepare for the arrival of this Ship on Menae. There are by the latest dates, day 300, we need to have the moon evacuated, by Day 350, we need the ship evacuated of all those in cryo stasis.

Now, for the plan to work, we need to a timetable, for Operation Last Hope. Day 10 we will need to have all of the aliens in Cryo marked down, and categorized. By Day 15, we will have shuttles begin moving these pods. By day 215, we need to unload the last pod from the ship.

The location of storage will be a facility on Palaven, we will have continual medical staff observation, as we will begin taking them out of their stasis." The Selected planner of the Operation explained.

"What do we know of their biology?" A council member asked.

"Levo-protein, we would need to import food." A scientist said.

"Ok, day 215-350, what is the plan with the empty ship?" One councilor asked.

"By that point, we will need to place 4 Mass Effect Field Generators on the ship. And then strategically place Fusion Torches on the exterior of the ship, and be used to soften the landing on the moon of Menae, and minimize the potential damage, as we will attempt to land it in the Rusion Plateau, as it is the least populated and least developed, and has no record of seismic activity." The planner explained.

"What is the time table on that?"

"Day 215 to day 300."

There were murmurs through the room, as people worried, it was a little close.

"Now, from Day 300 until touch down, we will have the first 1000 people be taken out of stasis. We will make sure all of them are doing well and begin building homes around the Ark, which will be used as temporary housing, until enough homes are built." the planner explained.

"If we are going to integrate them into the hierarchy, we will need to have them educated like the average child." one councilmen said.

Wraith walked in, after finally being given actual clothes, though she walked with a cane.

"Councilor. I am here to explain why that is going to be difficult." She said, before stopping and opening a small bag.

She took a small stone, the stone had a simple carving. She held it in her hand, and clapped the stone between her hand. Everyone saw a blue light between the fingers, before heat radiated from between her fingers. As Wraith unclasped her hands, a flame danced from the stone. She smiled, before she had the flame move, gripping the stone she punched the air, and flames shot forward, surprising everyone.

"I apologize, but....due to some events, I have a more limited understanding of what once was used by the people of Tullos." Wraith explained.

"You mean the people of your world....you have limited access to it?" One turian asked.

"Allow me to explain my basic understanding. We had created a power, one that didn't end. I know how it is made, but I can not share, but we could control the elements, we could mold the very ground, direct rivers where we wished, form the clouds into storm. The elements of a planet were bend at the tips of our very gingers. We could even make people immune to the elements with simple marks. I want to find those who can learn, those who can create the marks, so that all of your people may make them." Wraith said.

The turians were amazed, it was clear that the ability to move the earth easily was very useful, having fire in the palm of the hands would be handy, letting construction workers weld without any equipment.

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