Cyber Union 1

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The Quarian Migrant fleet, believed they had discovered unusual asteroid. As the Migrant fleet moved near the massive cut stone space borne object. As they got close, and examined, scanning, a light glowed from the rock, showing many marks, and an opening. The Quarians had a shuttle move towards the opening, having it land before a team would move in.

"This is a pretty big thing, and weird. Maybe we should be concerned." One Quarian said, as he looked around, eventually shining his light onto the opening of the air lock.

"Come on Kaam'Riin, nothing gained if nothing risked." Nim'Cesa stated, as he entered the airlock. 

The door shut, before they were in a red hall. Looking at the wall, they saw what could be described as a mural.

At the beginning, they saw what looked like a plague that spread across a world, with people attempting to cure them with many remedies, until they found a stone, one that radiated a light. As they got further along, they noticed how the stone would heal, and the light would be captured into small gemstone.

One of the crew members look confused at it as another only said, "Keelah"

The Quarian Marine just stares at the images and just breaths out, "this....this is big...really big if what these images here are any indication." Stating the obvious for the rest of the team.

They kept moving in, looking at the mural. The injuries were healed, finding that it could create limbs that would bind and eventually turn into the body. Eventually, many of these stones were brought together, and placed around the body of an old man, before the next scene shows the man was brought back, and the stones break, showing his youthful body returned. 

"I don't get it?" The engineer said only to get the back of his head slapped by the researcher.

"You idiot, this is showing us they could recreate something out of... something." The researcher Nim'cesa, told her colleagues.

The marine looks at the images and finally says, "I think the crystals heal all wounds...or at least reverts the body back to...I don't know."

Finally, at the end of the hall, was what looked like a disconnect, the bodies surrounded by stone were not brought back, but transformed, into having wings and horns, attacking the people who held the stones.  The stones were eaten by the transformed, before stone men would attack them, the stone hearts glowing as they attacked the transformed dead. 

The researcher was taking pictures with their omni tool as they tried to figure out as much as they could. "This, i think this is an ark! like our fleet!" They exclaim as the engineer agreed.

Near the door, they saw 7 pillars, 6 surrounding the 7th, as many strange forms bare down, attacking the people who stood near, but not entering. The 7th pillar, which looked like the ship, had many bodies carved into it.

"Seeing the last image brought a sense of dread to the team as the researcher breaths out a "Keelah se'lai" honestly scared of what they might learn.

The door opened and what was best described as much of a life ship was seen, except.....they were all stone, the stone hearted creatures were all walking around. One turned, slinking over as it moved in a strange way. 

It made a yawning noise, before it looked towards them, They light that glowed from it's face seemed to glow brighter. A groan was heard.

"What is it doing?" Nim'Cesa asked.

"You're the engineer, do something." Kaan'Riin whispered.

"Shut it, both of you." Jir'Vemi, the marine said.

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