Seven Day War: Day 1

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With the sun setting on the first day, those who had left the city, had left and made their way to the academy. Of the near million on the regions near the city, roughly 400,000 were reporting ready to fight. It was more focused to the west of the city, the others were to the south and west were a bit thinner, and the north, the Krogan were being themselves, they stayed in their castle, but would actually go and cause trouble.

Saren rubbed his head. 

A large section of of the lands west, stretching dozens of miles to the north and south, until reaching a section of land that was very marshy to the north, and to the south reached a bluffs. The trench system was made by talismans that would allow the wielder to bend the earth, and created a trench system that would stretch for a quarter of a mile back.

Heavy artillery and Anti-Air weapons were pulled out, and set up. Saren was coordinating the various leaders of the fronts. To the South, a Quarian was leading the front, along with working to infiltrate the invader's information network. To the East, was a salarian who was former special tactics group, they had moved into the forest and were using it as cover. To the north, Clan Nagas's chief Montor Nagas, having his people stay in their castle and towns. There was the Mother of the Monastery also in the call.

"The invaders have landed several troops and have been separating the districts, and have set curfews in the town. From what the people the people have seen, they look like Gaians, maybe they came from the true home world and what we know are the exiles. That is the rumors we have heard." Mother M'tova explained.

"Once in the Data, we will try and get as much as we can, see what we can find." Jar'Viras said.

"You would spend all day in the net if you could. Fighting should be where you can see them." Montor shouted.

"We are attempting to avoid unnecessary casualties. We are defending our home. We can't be reckless." Hogin said, looking at the Krogan's hologram.

"People, we need to be careful. Without the space port, we have to fight this battle carefully. The underground facilities are hidden From what can be seen, they don't have the gaian technology, they are closer to Prothean tech. They may have been gaians who adopted the tech. So we have to be careful." Saren explained.

One of the radio's pinged.

"Movement detected, several dozen vehicles, ground based are on approach, wait, I see VTOLs over them." The scout announced

Saren walked away, he went to the holographic battle map. His commands were relayed to the lines. Artillery guns fired and would create deep holes that would force the approaching vehicles to stop. Anti-armor guns fired, some puncturing armor and disabling vehicles. As the bombardment stopped, and infantry moved to the ledge and took aim. 

-Alliance soldier POV-

"Holy Shite! I was expecting a fight, but I wasn't expecting a bombardment."

They were thrown around their Mako, and nearly knocked out. He got out of the now Stuck Mako, and was in a crater. Slowly moving up, a shot fired from a machinegun. Soldiers kept their heads down to avoid getting their heads blown off. 

A soldier was able to see a near by Mako that had a hole blasted through the front near by, and grabbed a shovel, starting to dig towards the near by blasted hole. 

"This is fucking insane. This is like World War fucking 1 all over again." A soldier shouted, as he was digging towards the downed Mako. 

"This is Sargent Bollum! All pinned forces, start digging to the right and left of you, we are digging in and holding here." He shouted over the radio.

The day was quickly noted, by the opposing trenches that appeared to the west, and how most Shuttles and Fighters were shot down by Flak and AA fire. Supplies were brought in on transports and had to be carried a distance, to avoid the anti-armor weapons destroying more.

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