The Citadel

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Shepard saw something, it was like a blurs, something was happening, bodies stretched and tubes coming from them, screams of pain, noises images of the bodies being stretched and twisted into monsterous forms, then what could only be described as a nightmare. Dr. Chakwas walked over to Shepard.

"Careful, you've been out for some time now." she said, helping Shepard sit up.

"I had a nightmare, it vivid, but....messy. I don't know how to describe it, but......I saw....the transformation of beings into monsters." Shepard said.

Joker came over the ships PA system.

"Captain, we are on the approach to the Citadel."

"Better get up, this will be a hell of a sight." Anderson said.

Shepard would stand up and step out of the medbay, and into the common area, seeing Kaiden....and Ashley.

"Good to see you've recovered commander." Kaiden said.

"Thank you for your concern. I was told we are on the approach to the Citadel." Shepard said.

"Sir. I would request that I am allowed to continue on with your crew, unit is wiped out, and I would like to avenge them." She requested.

"Welcome Aboard Williams." Shepard said.

They went towards the bridge, and saw Joker, piloting the ship.

"Hey Commander, how was your beauty sleep?" He asked.

"Not worth the nightmare." Shepard answered back, before the Normandy would go through a Mass Relay and arrive at the Citadel's relay.

Fying through the nebula of clouds, Ashley would glance out the window, seeing a shadow in the clouds.

"So, any of you ever been here?" Joker asked.

"Nope, Eden Prime was my first posting." Ashley said.

"I was at on Gagarin Station, it's called Jump Zero, other than a few stations for Zero-G training missions, nope." Kaiden said.

"I had some experiences, but nothing beyond Systems Alliance territory." Shepard said.

As they cleared the clouds of the nebula, and they could see the fleet around the Citadel, a large number, they looked like there were around a hundred ships of the line, and maybe triple that of for smaller point defense ships.

"Look at the size of that ship?" Ashley said.

They were looking at a massive ship, the Destiny Ascension, something that could be described as a dreadnaught, but it was not the largest.

That went to the Super Dreadnaught class ship, known as the Ark's protector, from just seeing it, the shielding was layered, the armor looked like it was made from one continuous piece of metal and the main weapon, was 4 ship long cannons, 2 rail guns barrels, and 2 energy based anti-shield barrels. Along the body were a system of rails that would allow turrets to spin and aim at any angel needed, finally, it had dozens of hangers, filled with Asari goddess fighter craft.

"Look at the size of that thing. It's massive." Ashley said, as the Normandy moved past it.

"It's not about the size that matters, besides, if it got in a fight, it could be overwhelmed." Joker said.

"I wouldn't think so. See." Kaiden said, as they saw a turian destroyer slip into a hatch that opened and they docked the hatch shut.

"Great, so they have a complement of point defense ships hidden in them." Joker said, rolling his eyes.

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