Asari 4

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"This is the ARV Inanna, preparing it's first FTL jump, with the Porta Machina. May the goddess guide us on safe travels. The time is 13:35, control, we are disconnecting and running on closed loop, give the galactic standard time." the captain of the ship said.

"The time is 13:35, my Athane protect you, and Tevura allow safe travels." Control answered back.

The asari turned to looked at the homunculi crew. It was a skeleton, only enough to pilot and run the FTL, and later do a systems check if they survived. The Homunculi pressed a few buttons and began to activate the systems, by unsealing the core, and exposing the power source, the Goddess Tear.

With a Goddess tear now exposed, cables connected and secured themselves to the stone, drawing the power, and channeling it into the mechanisms that was the Gaian FTL, the Porta Machina. The ship had a small ring form around it's engines, before it expanded and moved towards the front of the ship. It reached the nose and a bolt of lightning shot from the tip, and expanded into a rift of sorts.

Swirling clouds appeared rolled to the side before vanishing. The Inanna moved through the ring slowly. Once the engines passed through, the ring closed and the clouds dissipated.

Over the Planet of Lesuss, a swirling vortex opened, and a single ship left. The Captain waited, as the Homunculii closed the core and began to give the ship diagnostic a run through.

"Captain Y'lonza, no damage has been detected, radio communication with Lesuss has been established, patching through now."

"Greetings ARV Inanna, we were not expecting you so soon. Will you give us your chronometer reading." Command stated.

"Time is 13:40." The Captain said.

"The time is 13:50 galactic standard." The command said.

"5 minutes for us, 15 for them. 3:1 time dial action, at that distance, it's faster than any Mass Relay jump between two points" the Captain said.

"Now the return jump. We will inform Thessia of the success of the initial jump." Lesuss command said.

"Understand. Put in calculations, we are going back." Captain Y'lonza said.

The crew complied with the orders, and much like in the space beyond Thessia, the ship was wrapped in a ring, and a clouded vortex opened, allowing the ship to cross through. The ship had successfully made the first, manned, round trip, with the FTL system .

Captain Y'lonza was awarded the "Heart of Pouci" a reward that was given for science, as Pouci, was a goddess of science. The crew, though all Homunculi, were recognized for their bravery, though none of them saw it that way, they had done what they were made to do.

Eve smiled.

She walked through the temple, a temple built in order to house a newly group. The Ring of the mind of Babylon, along with the Ring of the Soul, were patrolled by figures in robes with armor over the top. Half skirts, which showed pants under the skirts walked. On the chest of those with armor was a symbol, a dagger of sorts, with the Symbol of the body, on the blade, the symbol of the mind on the cross guard, and the symbol of the soul on the grip.

 On the chest of those with armor was a symbol, a dagger of sorts, with the Symbol of the body, on the blade, the symbol of the mind on the cross guard, and the symbol of the soul on the grip

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