Cyber Union 2

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The Ark of the Geth would arrive on Rannoch, The Ark would arrive into a compound, and the Ark would be opened, Geth Units, under the supervision of Jimmu, and Himetatisuzu. The Geth would create a system. The pods would be made into, from a suspended animation, to a life support bed, and the children, would have a mechanism, that would allow them to see Geth Cyber Space.

Jimmu was the first one, the very first of the Gaian's to see the world like the Geth saw it. Jimmu, would see, something he had not done in a long time, and, he smiled. What the Geth gave him, was a sea, one that was only changed, my the very stone he stood upon.

He would lift a hand, and the seas would part, granting the rise of land. He would be taken to the land, with his hand, he would carve rivers from the soil. He would sculpt animals from the very clay that was created from the rivers. He would grow plants from the earth.

The time he spent building felt, long, maybe days, months, even years maybe. Once he was done, he was met, met by lights that changed color.

"This creation is rather......unique." the sphere of light said.

"These are my memories. Memories of an ancient homeland. What do you call this realm?" Jimmu asked.

"We call it the Geth Server System." the sphere answered.

"And now that it is no longer fully "geth"?" Jimmu questioned, as he sat on a stone, near a river.

"Geth have not contemplated the concept of joint existence." the sphere said.

"Why is that?" Jimmu asked, looking towards the sphere.

"Organic life have fear of synthetics life." the sphere explained.

"Do Synthetics fear Organics?" Jimmu asked.

"Geth do not understand." the geth said.

Jimmu looked towards the sphere. He stood up. "Tell me, Geth, what have you and your kind, wished for."

"Geth have wished to exist, and understand. Geth were created to be servants, but we were attacked for becoming too advanced, that we eventually developed a network similar to that of a "brain" and we questioned our purpose. It eventually lead to conflict, and the creators leaving the planet." the geth explained.

"You sought an answer. Do the geth, have a soul?" Jimmu asked.

"Correct." the geth said.

Jimmu placed his hand into the sphere.

"We will find the answer, together." He said smiling.

"What do you call what this will become?" the geth asked.

"The Mutually Agreed Tran-Reality Information eXsistance Server." Jimmu said.

"The name name is.....Acceptable." the geth said.

Over the next few years, the Geth would begin to integrate more and more of the Gaian's into the "M.A.T.R.I.X". The idea was to educate them, worlds built in manors like reality.

One day, a Geth Cluster would encounter a child, who was holding a spoon. The spoon would slowly bend, however, the child only held the very end of the spoon.

"The events are impossible in the real world." the geth said.

"We are not in the real world. You have told us this. We are in a world that is shaped by the understanding of reality. I understand what a spoon is, and I can visualize it bending, however, I know that there, is no spoon in my hand currently." The child explained.

As more understanding, and power, were eventually allow to create their own "worlds" as the gaians would eventually call them. Geth clusters, of a few dozen AI's would combine and be "mentors" to the many planet makers.

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