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Ok so this is far into the future of the story, so we get to see the Unfinished Characteristics of the modified crews

Shepard Fedorian was in her room. The Normandy was docked, was being resupplied, so everyone was having a shore-leave of sorts. She smiled as she was looking over the information she had, reports about the events of the last few months, a perspective she had lacked...since Shepard had worked with Cerberus. It was a surprise when she got a message from Garrus. 

Opening it, she read "Come to Shepard's apartment." Getting a fast transit to the building, Shepard Fedorian was in the elevator, waiting for the top floor to be reached. She leaned against a wall, until the door dinged, and walked she walked out, to the door. Running her fingers through her hair, she wondered what Garrus was planning, and why was it at Shepard's apartment. As the door opened, and she was surprised. 

She was caught off guard by everyone being there, with a tree from earth being decorated.

"Merry Christmas." Everyone shouted.

As Shepard Fedorian looked around, she noticed Commander Shepard standing. Everyone was there, they all had presents.

"What? I'm sorry...is this a terran tradition?" She asked.

"Yeah, well, kind off."

"We have a version known as Yule, though, it's a celebration of the Great Hunt, and has a feast." Grunt said.

"The Order has a version, where we prey, and give healing to all those who search for it, be it physical, spiritual, or mental." Samara explained.

"So, what's the tradition here?" Shepard Fedorian asked.

"We give gifts to everyone." Liara said, as she wore a read floppy hat with white fur around the edge and a white ball at the end.

"Come on Fed. It's time for Holidays! We all deserve to celebrate." Joker said, smiling, as he walked over, and planted a santa hat on Fedorian's head.

As everyone gathered around, the fireplace, each found a seat at the couch. Commander Shepard smiled as he walked to the tree, and picked up a box.

"As for every holiday tradition, I got everyone a gift. Some of you gave me some gifts you wanted to give to others." Shepard said, as he looked at the gifts

Commander Shepard -One copy of "Pleasure spots: Alien Biology edition"

Garrus - A Black Widow sniper rifle, with multi-zoom scope and recoil compensator

Tali- a Trench coat with a special pistol 

Wrex - A note reading "I am your boy, but you are the king, that stands high" with a specialized order action figure of the "Krogan Jarls" line, that looks like Wrex. 

Ashley - "Songs of the Gaian Defensive war"- Kasumi

Joker - Keg of Krogan Mead from Wrex, a Krogan Battle Helmet Grunt

Liara - A mug reading "Rich girl problems"

Shepard Fedorian - a book of romantic coupons from Garrus 

 Miranda - Cheer leader outfit from Jack (it's also signed by her) 

Samara - Book of Saints from across the Milky way, first edition, from Kasumi

Legion - A picture of Legion, with Shepard Fedorian and Commander Shepard, taken after Commander Shepard and Shepard Fedorian reunited.

Thane - A healing Crystal: Specially made, to be worn as a necklace from Samara

Kasumi - hand cuffs and a arrest warrant (filled) from Lawkeeper Zenigata

Mordin - A coffee mug reading "If empty, I will talk you to death" from Liara

Jack - a shirt saying "Corpo can kiss my ass, and I still charge." from Miranda 

Zaeed - A model of an M-8 Avenger

Grunt - a recreation of Herald Hardrada's Dane Axe- Joker

Everyone smiled, and would move to the kitchen, before they would eat. Shepard Fedorian smiled, as she had a photo taken of the group. 


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