To the Doctor

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John Shepard and Shepard Fedorian were sitting in the mess hall. Behind John Shepard was Ashley and Kaiden. Behind Shepard Fedorian, was Garrus. There was a tension that could almost be cut with an omniblade with it.

"So. I am going to be leading this mission. This is a ship I have served on, the last commander was Alliance. While on this ship, it makes for me to be in command of this vessel, manned by Alliance technicians." John Shepard explained.

"While true, this vessel is also one built on Turian engineer and with Turian materials. Additionally, we should consider the rank of the individual. You are a commander, System Alliance places that below Captain. In terms of Turian Federation, my rank is that of a Captain." Shepard Fedorian explained.

"I am a spectre by the council, so I over rank you in political authority, it is my mission I am on. We are very much in a situation, I am very much in charge here." John stated, pointing at the table as he emphasized the point that he was suppose to be in charge. 

There was a glaring match between them, Ashley leaned over and whispered "This is a very weird dick measuring contest." 

"You know, we could have you both go on the missions. Commander Shepard technically was granted this ship by the Systems Alliance, while Shepard Fedorian is technically accepting the general mission, on behalf of the Turian Federation." Garrus said.

"That.....makes some sense. But Shepard was given this by the Council as a spectre." Kaiden said.

"Yes, and he will do the Council's task, which currently takes us to find Doctor T'soni figure out where Saren is, and what he is trying to achieve." Garrus added.

Shepard looked at Fedorian.

"If it comes down to it. Who are you on the side of. Us....or Saren?" Shepard asked.

Fedorian leaned on the table, "I will defend you, but I am not going to kill my godfather, I know he isn't what you claim he is." Fedorian answered.

Shepard got up and walked towards the bridge, then walked to speak with Joker.

"So.....We're chasing a warhero down who has killed everyone he's targeted so far without being noticed, and now it's out job to bring him down and arrest him with basically his niece and her in denial ex, and will be joined by a space viking and space Lara Croft?" Joker asked.

"That seems about right. What's with the tomb raider choice. I like the Indiana Jones movies, old but good." Shepard answered.

"He's more iconic in film, but Lara, she's more, she's something else entirely." Joker said.

Shepard rolled his eyes.

He pressed a button on the console.

"Listen up everyone. This mission we are about to set out on, may change how the galaxy sees Humanity. We are going to stop a mad man from killing more officers of the System Alliance that will likely be used to start a war no one wants. We will be stopping a spectre, a war hero and saving the peace that took years to create, and may be destroyed in a matter of days." Shepard began, then paused.

"There will be those who will be angry with us for what we are doing, we don't know what kind of threats we will be facing, what kind of forces Saren has, but what we do know, is that Saren isn't going to give up that easy." the next part would need to be carefully picked.

"We are going to stop him, and bring him in to Justice. He tried to kill Admiral Hackett, he has killed a spectre, and now, we are chasing him him down. We'll stop those aiding him, and take him down to show that the Systems Alliance and Humanity have moved on from our past mistakes that left us Isolated from the rest of the Galaxy." Shepard said.

The line cut and Joker looked at Shepard.

"Well said. I'd think Anderson would be proud." Joker commented.

"The captain gave up everything in order to help us. We can't fail him now." Shepard said, before he walked down the hall, to the Galaxy map.

The map activated and showed the boarders of galactic territories. One cluster was highlighted, tapping it, Shepard saw the system, then a planet with a note marking the location. The note read "Last known location of Doctor T'soni".

Setting course, the Normandy departed from Citadel, and moved towards the Mass Relay. 

-meanwhile, in the ruins of a pre-industrialized civilization-

"T'SONI! You said this place wasn't inhabited!" Wrex shouted, as he ran over the hill, followed by Liara T'soni, who held a small bag under an arm as she ran, holding onto a hat she wore.

"I said the ruins were uninhabited! You were hunting fish in the pond with a shotgun. Those people's Sacred pond!" Liara said, as she ran, seeing the shuttle that they came in was still on there.

As the hill was crested by the near horde of aliens with spears, bows and hide shields chased after them.

A spear was thrown and lodged in the armor that Wrex wore, before the Krogan began to run even faster, passing the asari they ran down the hill. 


"Quit your yapping and just keep running!" Wrex shouted.

The pair got in the shuttle and Liara jumped into the diver seat, and started the craft. One of the Natives leapt up onto the shuttle, before Wrex kicked them in the face, throwing them off the craft.

The craft took off and flew into the upper atmosphere. However.....there was a small detail missing.

"Liara.....Where is the ship?" Wrex asked.

"Fucking Greedy Bastard. Oh I'll be there. It's a quick run to a near by system." Liara said in an annoyed tone, before a new ship arrived.

"Is that your friend?" Liara asked.

"Nope, but.....I have a feeling this is the job that I was hired to pick you up for." Wrex said.

"Why would they need me?" Liara asked.

"Your mother is involved....and more mystic mumbo jumbo." Wrex said.

"Aren't you the one claiming to be the king of the Krogan Clans?" Liara asked.

"I am going to be the king of the Krogan." Wrex said.

"Than why is the alchemical arts "Mumbo Jumbo" to you?" Liara asked.

"You don't ask a for a Krogan doctor, and you don't ask for a one ton salarian. Besides, the only thing I ever needed was weapon." Wrex said.

The cargo bay opened and the Shuttle was allowed in, before closing behind them. Stepping out, an elevator door opened and out stepped Shepard and Fedorian.

"Doctor T'soni. A pleasure to meet you. I hope that you are willing to join us, but.....I'm trying to figure out why we needed an archeologist for this mission." Shepard said.

"Oh no, Doctor T'soni is actually an expert in Gaian Culture and constructs, without being an alchemist. To put it simply. If there is any techniques used from the 5 arks, she knows of them, and can identify the purpose of them." Fedorian said.

"And the krogan?" Shepard asked.

"I'm muscle." Wrex answered.

"Ok. So, our first stop will be to Babylon, on Lusia." Shepard said.

"The First Great City of the Gaians. I can't wait to see it again. It's been nearly 30 years since I last was there. " Liara said.

"Why is it named after an ancient city from our history?" Shepard asked.

"It IS!?" Liara asked, her eyes shining as she rushed and nearly tackled Shepard.

"I will need you to tell me everything you know. I'll need as much information, this could be ground breaking in the realm of the Human-Gaian theory of Divergent Realities!" Liara said.

Liara dragged Shepard back, before Fedorian looked at Wrex.

" do you know Councilor Tevos?" Fedorian asked.

"She helped me kill a dragon. We also have a brunch every year with the rest of the party who went." Wrex answered, matter of factly.

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