Eden Prime

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(Thank you @airsoftal01 for the animation. He has been a great help with this story, even though he isn't writing, he has helped me brainstorm and make ideas for this story.)

"So, we found another Prothean artifact, this one on Eden Prime?" Admiral Hackett asked.

"That is correct. I am going in to supervise the loading of it onto the Normandy and transfer it to Mars for study. This is a rare functional beacon, makes this more valuable than we could anticipate." Captain Anderson explained.

"The technology is good, but we still need to consider the......illogical situation. The other races out in the galaxy, they may have tech based on the protheans, but there are things we can't solve. Let's just hope that us getting this can even the galactic balance in some way." Hackett explained.

"Don't worry, it should be an easy mission. I will have Shepard's team go down and confirm the extraction of the beacon." Anderson explained.

"That won't be necessary. I have a ship near by, I will be joining you." Heckett explained.

"Understood. I'll be glad to see you there." Captain Anderson said.

"Before you go. I got the report, it seems that Commander Tanners was killed, a car bomb got him, no one was arrested, as no one knew how to make one, not was there reason to believe on the colony he was at. That makes 9. You best be careful, it seems who ever is going for these assassinations, they all trace back to the Zion Incident." Hackett explained.

"Understood Admiral. Anderson out." The communications cut, and the Normandy moved through space, speeding through, before it jumped through a Relay, on it's way to Eden Prime. Walking up to the bridge was a N7 commander, John Shepard, who looked to the pair of Pilots, Jeff "Joker" Moreau, and Kaiden Alenko. 

"Thrusters: Check, Navigation: Check, Internal Emissions Sync Engaged: Check. All systems look good, Drift: Under 1500K." Joker read off the systems report.

"1500 is good." Nihlus, a turian spectre said, before he walked away from the bridge.

"Nihlus gave you a complement, so you're angry at him?" Kaiden asked.

"Look when you read and seen their crime shows, you know the turians are giving less and less focus, in place of their navy and other forces, besides, have you see their Law Masters? They took the concept of Judge Dredd to the extreme." Joker said.

"It could be worse, he could judge you based on the fact you have those exo-skeletal leg rigs to compensate for the Vrolik's syndrome." John said.

"Hey, at least I don't have to be carful with the trips to the bathroom. I saw my bonus was worth spending on these." Joker explained.

"I still think the fact they have a massage setting was not worth the extra 3000 credits." Kaiden commented.

"Hey, when you're whole job has you sitting in a chair, a butt massager makes every credit extra worth it." Joker said, smiling.

John rolled his eyes at Joker's comment, before he stepped away.

"Commander Shepard, report to the Communications Center." was stated by Nihlus over the ship's coms.

"Best get going, no reason to delay, don't want to make Nihlus angry." Kaiden said.

"You're right, best not give him any more reasons to strain our cooperation." Shepard said.

Walking away from the bridge, down the sensor's deck, then passed the Navigation panel, and finally into the Communication Center. John looked around, seeing Nihlus standing in the middle of the room.

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