Slice of Life 1

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Garrus Vakarian was standing at the entrance of the prestigious Eden Academy. He was only put in this academy because of the fact his father had made sure he studied hard enough and passed the entrance interview. He now was in a uniform and carried wearing a back pack, stepping out of his father's Enforcer Transport, when suddenly the siren rang, and he heard his dad's voice come over the loud speakers.

"Forgetting something?" he asked.

Garrus, feeling embarrassed turned, trying to hide his face.

"Thanks dad." Garrus said quietly.

His father spoke, on the loud speaker, again, "I didn't hear you."

"Thank you dad. Bye." Garrus said, louder, this time, before he walked into the school grounds.

Garrus was suddenly cast into a shadow on a cloudless day. Looking up, he was surprised when he saw not one, but dozens of Federation Defense force transports fly over, as one landed at the gate. The door lifted and a girl, a turian with red hair, small fringes, she looked like a mix of gaian and turian, stepped out, in the uniform.

"DAD! THIS IS OVERKILL!!!" she shouted.

"Nothing is overkill for your protection." the Sky Marshal explained, as he remained seated and remained calm.

She walked in and looked down. As she walked near Garrus looked at her.

"Helicopter Parent with a lot of authority?" Garrus asked, already realizing it was a dumb question.

"My bet, he has a satellite pointing at me at this very moment, with probably a strike team ready to swoop in and extract me, at the ready 28/10." She said, annoyed.

"Wow....I thought being a Law Master's kid had a lack of privacy." Garrus said, surprised.

"Yeah, when your dad is the Sky Marshal, god father is a Spectre, privacy is like a myth." the girl explained.

"M..My name is Garrus." He said, holding his hand out, fearful of what my happen if he messes up now, especially near her.

"I'm named Shepard. Shepard Fedorian." She said, shaking Garrus's 3 fingered hand, with her own, 4 fingered hand.

Shepard and Garrus smiled, before walking to their first class.

"Do you like comics?" Garrus asked.

"I'm more of a movies person." Shepard said.

"Did you know about the Jade Justicar Movie that is being made? Ae'ir Sali is going to be playing the Jade Justicar, the interviews she's done shows how much work she had done to learning the character. She has been reading the comics and even practiced some of the poses." Garrus said.

"The Jade Justicar....Isn't she one of the Power Houses of the Gaian Entertainment Comics? Along with the Silver Spectre and Gemstone?" Shepard asked, not sure and guessing the names more from some commercials.

"Now, that's the Council Clashers. They are in the team of the Super Alliance, with Super Krogan, the dynamic duo of the Einherjar and Valkyrie, and the Alchemist." Garrus said.

"Sorry, I'm not really a fan of super hero comics." Shepard said.

"What about the Dystopian Law series? I got some of the comics in my bag if you want to read them." Garrus said, almost bursting from his carapace with excitement.

"No thanks. I'm good." Shepard said, chuckling at his enthusiasm.

"What you do you like?" Garrus asked.

"Ummm, it's a bit embarassing but I like the Alchemical Secret Series." Shepard said.

"That series about the Alchemist trying to find the last dragon to get it's heart to save his wife while a demon from the unknown realms of magic seeks it out for a true form and unlimited power?" Garrus asked.

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