Turian 3

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On Palaven, the turians had a group of 100 capsules ready. Wraith had educated the medics on how to properly deactivate the stasis pod. The Capsules were deactivated, and the children were inspected. 

The bodies were warmed up slowly, allowing the body to come back normally. They were then given a small amount of food, and placed in a warm bath. Each Person was checked, to ensure everything was ok biologically. Next was ensuring that their brains worked. The test was simple, ensuring that the brain was working, eye tracking, reflex test and then after some time, they would do a very basic coordination and understanding test (blocks through holes).

Wraith was brought into the cabinet of the Primarch and his council. In her hand she carried a box. The room had chatter, but the Primarch, picked up a gavel, and slammed it silencing the room. The Primarch's cabinet, Victorinus was quiet, he looked around his cabinet, before looking at Wraith.

"Gentle turians, as requested, you wanted historical records of the people of Tullos. However, due to the damages we had suffered in transit, I am only with 90% certainty of the accuracy of the following. Corrupted data and all that. But I am happy to able to say this. This is going to give you an idea of what our civilization was like. 

I have found facsimiles of history, so please take these with a grain of sand in their portrail of our civilization." She said, as she placed 3 boxes on a table.

"First we have what a representation of our civilization prior to the established government that lead us for most of the star fairing history." She said.

Their was a few murmurs as a female Turian leaned forward as she says, "Minister of Education, I have to ask miss wraith. Is their anyway to help restore the files? Or at least anything physical to help preserve your peoples history?" She asks as the light from her section of the table dims down showing she is finished speaking.

Wriath closed her eyes.

"The materials that were lost were stored in the crystal minds. These had been broken and can be recovered, but it does take time to reconstruct these crystalline structures." Wraith said.

Their was a few nods as the minister of Justice speaks up next, "Miss Wraith. Many of the films you have stored are around those of the law, I must ask. How rampant was the crime on your world?"

"It was bad, very bad. Criminals had control of around 40% of all the cities, Another 20% was controlled by private militias the last 30% was mostly a warzone. But there were those criminals, they feared one name, one that froze people in place. A single man, who was incorruptible, unfeeling, who was unstoppable, and they simply called him Dredd." Wraith said

Everyone present just stared at Wraith with wide eyes, even the minister of Justice was curious. "Well then miss wraith, please enlighten us."

A file began to play, a horizon with a sun rising, before text appeared.

"In the third Millennium, the world changed. Climate, Nations all changed for the worst. The world was transformed into a near unending poisonous desert, becoming known as "Cursed Earth". Millions crowded into the few Mega cities that were left. Bands of criminals formed, that normal police could not contend with. The Law as it was once known was all but gone. In it's place rose a new order of justice, with powers of judge, jury and Executioners, the authority to dispense any justice they deem fit.

They were the Judges."

The deep voice caused all those present to shiver abit, the idea of a world were a new form of justice had to be made was the worst possible thing to imagine, the terminus system for all it's illegal activity still had a form of law. But this, this was the stuff of nightmares to those who try and keep the peace.

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