Turian 1

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The turian first fleet, it's home guard, picked up the approach of a massive object entering the system.

Calculations on the collision course were being made. Due to the slow speed, some thought it was an asteroid. Ships that were send to find it, did their best, but what ever the object was, it was nearly impossible to spot in the dark void between solar systems. 

It was only after the ship was in closer proximity of the Trebia, the home system of the Turians, were they able to pin point the exact location. The fleet moved into intercept the object, just to get eyes on the object.

What they were met by was a massive object, that had minor signs of structural damage. The communication systems had picked up something. The radios of the onboard marine detachments were picking it up more clearly.

It was a repeated series of beeps, and sounds. 

"It's like a warning siren." one turian said, before he had his radio feed play through his Omni-tool. A voice was speaking, it was alien, and the translators didn't work.

"Uncontacted species, must have used a Relay and was thrown off course." One said.

On the bridge, a turian operating the scanners gulped.

"The ship is doing something, we have energy readings coming from the bow." the turian said.

The captain was quick. "Raise shields, full forward, prepare point defense lasers."

The order was sent across the entire fleet, who were now preparing for an attack. The ship had an arc of lightning come from the body and strike the nose, before a ball of red light moved forward, it slowly moved and dissipated before it got near any ship.

"Was that suppose to be an attack?" one asked.

"No....I think it's an....emergency flare. Send a response ping." the captain ordered.

With the radio operator sending a message ping back to the ship, there was a sudden transfer. The operator looked through it, before he turned in his chair, facing the captain.

"We are getting information, pulling it up on the display." the turian said.

The holographic map of the ship changed, from a map of the system, showing their location, to a display of the ship, that had a glowing hatch on the back, flashing. It showed a interior map that had a dotted line traveling through the ship, into a chamber towards the front end.

"Send 3 shuttles, 2 marines, 1 medical. it's a distress signal!" the turian captain ordered, understanding what was being asked.

The shuttles flew along the ship.

"First contact, been a while since this has happened." one turian said.

"Think it was the Hanar, before then it was us." another said.

"Little bit exciting, first faces they get to see in the galaxy that aren't from their world." a medic joked.

"Cut the chatter, we got possible wounded of an unknown species in distress. Marines, head on a swivel, medics, be ready with the Medi-gel, stay frosty boys." the commanding officer said, as he put on his helmet.

We are in the hanger. Make sure your gear is sealed, there seems to be no atmo in here. There's an airlock directly ahead of us it seems." The pilot said, putting on a helmet of his own. The teams secured their gear, and prepared for the vacuum once the shuttle door opened. The green light was given and the shuttle hatch opened, before the Turian marines moved out of the ships first, examining the area they were in. 

The marines moved forward, activating their flashlights with the medics following behind. As they entered the hall way, the way behind them sealed and a hissing was heard, a blue orb glowed, and came loose from a wall, moving through a small hole.

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