Cyber Union 4

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Captain Real'Zorah vas Alerei was looking at a gaian incubation pod. He was curious. At an early age, the Gaian's het a small device implanted in their bodies, at the base of the skull, and were put in a computer based universe known as the Matrix. He was wearing a large coat, and looked through a window.

"Excuse me sir. Are one of these yours?" a woman asked.

Turning to look at the source of the voice, it was a gaian woman, dressed in robes, her face was covered by a half mask that slightly muffled her voice, her hair was a pale blonde, as she looked to the Quarian.

"No, no, I was just here to learn about the "Matrix", I've been told it's interesting to experiance.

"It is. I think there is a pod for non-neural integrated. I can have you connected and in the Matrix in 5 minutes." She said.

Real was surprised.

"Thank you, I'll try it." He said.

"Please, come with me." She said.

Real'Zorah would start to come to the Matrix observation building on a near daily basis, he would constantly see the Observer, who was named Miria. Over time, Real'Zorah would ask her out on a date. Time  would pass and they two would become closer and closer. On one date, in the edge of a cliff that was near the ocean.

"Real, this is beautiful, I love seeing the sun set." Miria said, smiling, holding hands with Real'Zorah, until he tripped.

Before Miria could turn, Real smiled, and pulled out a small box.

"Miria....will you make me the happiest quarian on Rannoch, and be my wife?" He asked, presenting a 5 metal band.

Miria smiled took Real's hand pulling him to his feet "YES!" She shouted.

The pair would be married later, with the Geth and Admiralty board participating, due to Miria's Geth Gaian origin. The Marriage was celebrated, and the pair would live together, for roughly a year.

"This feels quiet at times." Miria said, looking over at Real.

"I guess. I'm too used to small places and organizing, I just.....never expected in my life time, to be on the home world. I.....I don't know what we should do." Real said.

"Real. I want a baby." Miria said, placing her hand in Real's.

Over the following days, they would ask doctors if it was possible, as they didn't want to adopt a child, they wanted to see one that had both of their faces, they wanted the child to be from them.

The Doctors were skeptical, due to the nature of the biological difference, there was little similarities. The Cultivators had philosophies, that specific focuses on one Qi could created the ability, however, no sect wished to dedicate time to this issue. The geth, they were willing to take up the challenge.

They worked on a Gene Therapy system that would, temporarily, allow the potential impregnation of a gaian from a Quarian. It was surprisingly similar to the process they had made, when they wished to cure the Homunculus's sterility problem.

It was a passionate night between the pair, that both their next door neighbors, and those across the road would later call the police as they believed someone was being murdered due to the screaming that was heard.

Roughly 8 months later, Miria, would enter a hospital, with Real'Zorah next to her, as she was panting and breathing hard, as their daughter, was choosing to arrive earlier than expected.


The Zorah's were at home, going over ideas for what to get their daughter, who was predicted, to be a month away, when Miria felt a pain, and would feel her cramps.

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