Asari 1

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The Asari home world of Thessia had a fleet of ship in system, it was a major trade route position and one of, if not the, most important worlds in the Milky Way galaxy.

Something appeared on the scans, however, the strange thing was, it wasn't from the Mass Relay, it came from a direction with nothing out there, no systems in the Athena Nebula were in the direction it cam from. The Mass Relay was blockaded, to prevent the arrival of more of any support from the outside this thing that may arrive.

The ship was like a pillar, a long smooth metal spike. The engines were dim, the ship was more just drifting now. The ship was larger than even the largest ships built by the asari, the destiny's ascension. A scan of the ship calculated the ship was nearly 4 kilometers long, and 500 meters wide and tall.

A projection of the ship's exterior showed a hanger, or some sort of opening. A single shuttle was sent out, with a team of Asari commandos. The ship entered the hanger, but no gravity was found. Using magnetic boots, they walked into a hall way.

As they all entered, the commandos scanned the area, before a red glowing object opened from moving slits, it looked at them, and the way to the hanger shut behind them. With a hiss, air was pumped into what was figured to be an airlock.

"Looks like something on this ship is still working, radio to command, this ship is still functioning." The leader of the group said.

As the other side opened, one of the commandos used a light from her Omni-tool to illuminate the area. As they walked down the hall.

"No good, interference, can't get a clear signal." the sentinel.

"Eyes open, we don't know what this place could hold." the leader said.

The continued down the hall, looking around, expecting some danger to come and attack them.

"This doesn't look like metal." One of the commandos said, looking at the walls

A commando ran their hand along the wall, feeling that it wasn't metal, the exterior may have been metal, but the inside, this was pure stone.

"It's stone. Shine a light over here, this could be Prothean." the commando said.

With a light being shone on the stone, the stone walls now showed carvings, it showed a planet, the third from the star, the people set out, and spread across the stars, thanks to a stone, of sorts.

Ships, machines, people, all were created by people who held the stone. Several thousands were gathered, before several stones were brought together, and what could only be described as a door was created.

They then saw the people, bowing before a being with a star for a head, clouds, and a great flower with people inside of the pedals. The being pointed, and cast the people out, the people fell from 9 rings, down 7 mountains, and a pit with 9 more rings.

The wing being faced the winged beings, and with a hand held up, the palm facing them, they were turned formless, following the people cast through the door. It then shows a sky, where it was full of stars, going further along the wall, less stars were present, as the formless were now in the sky.

"This doesn't seem like any Prothean things I've seen." another commando said.

As they reached the end of the hall, the doors opened, to a huge hall, several dozens of rows of strange objects. As the lights moved around the room, they eventually saw something moving. The lights focused on the thing moving, and it was a metallic stone mix of a creature, it glowed a soft blue light from lines and circles on the body and face. It looked towards the commando team, before walking away, and stopping.

The commando moved slowly into the area, seeing as the thing began moving, and had stopped again.

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