Slice of Life 4

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Quick announcement before the story starts, ask any questions you have on the story itself, characters, general lore, I'm open to share a bit of the lore.

Samara was investigating, the mummy like body, if she had to guess, the body looked like it had been like this for nearly 100 years, but....the mother in the other room, they said they found her like this 2 days ago, and that was after she had brought a friend she had made, over, only for the next day, she was found drained of all liquids. 

Samara was with a few other maidens, Samara was now pursuing her daughter, she had a feeling, with the strange things that were happening, it had to be her. It was burned out nervous systems, but was worse.

" did you do this?" Samara asked herself.

Another maiden would approach Samara.

"Holy Mother, the signs are clear. The Mark was found, she had a mark on her body, it drained her body of all of it's water." the maiden explained.

Samara clenched her fist, before she removed her helmet. 

"The mother should know, we are to chase and track the killer." Samara explained, as she looked down, holding the crystal. She has been chasing Morinth for Centuries....and now....she is even more dangerous.

"If only I was able to see it before....maybe I could have stopped it....before it started." Samara said. 

Elsewhere in the Galaxy, a lone Asari was sitting on a ship, she smiled. In her hand was a small crystal, one she was going to be put in a locket, a focus, for her to work. Though....she wondered. That colony had, maybe a hundred, maybe two hundred. It produced a stone  that could at best, cover her fingernail.

She imagined, all the power in her hand. She had been lucky, she had Melded with a few other Alchemists, getting them alone was hard, but, she had left, with more than she could ever imagine. With all the power. She gripped the stone, feeling the power flow. Opening her hand, she had the stone slowly felt metal form around it. Opening it, it was a gold ring, with glass on both sides.

She placed it in her pocket, before she looked out the window.

She had recalled some attempt, a maiden who mistook her for her mother. The poor girl, blinded by the idea that Samara would save her. Morinth could almost recall the face she had, as she felt her nervous system fry. She did have to say, her Mother's "gift" to her was nice, a sword hilt to focus her biotic energy through, though, she preferred to crush them with her hands.

The Stars were shining, and she smiled. Maybe next, she would go for something larger. She could....she also knew, the more powerful she was, the easier it would be to hide and destroy her mother, when she decided to do so. sweet and delicious an idea. She could only picture...what it would feel like, the sweet revenge, the ectasy she would feel from it. Her mother had done so much to hamper her birth right. And now, Samara was worshiped like a goddess of mercy. It should be her. Morinth was the goddess, not her mother.

Morinth and Samara's journey were far from over, however, they were not the only group competing with each other.

On Illium, in the lower reaches of the city, a group of Gaians were playing, along with unbeknownst to them, Alliance humans, were messing around, discussing the latest days on the asari school that was for non-asari species on the planet. 

This group, of 3 gaians and 1 human, were on their way home, when a shuttlecraft landed near by. As the door opened, 4 men in sleek black suits rushed out, grabbing and drugging the group, before pulling them inside the vehicle, and it flew away.

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