Asari 5

433 13 3

It was a great time to celebrate. 50 Years, half a century, since the arrival of the Ark over Thessia, and the ensured safety of the last of a species. Councilor Tevos, was having a meeting with Eve, she had decided that she would adopt a Gaian child, and release the discovery of the Gaian people.

Councilor Tevos and Eve were on the ark, looking over those still frozen. Eve smiled.

"Now, Councilor, we still have many children left, I do have a favor. I am requesting a small quantity of blood, about that of a pint. I am hoping to see if I am capable of creating a homunculus, of non Gaians." Eve said, calmly as she walked the halls, with a golem near by, observing the pair. 

Tevos stopped, as she looked at a tank, it had an infant child. She smiled.

"I believe that motherhood is a humbling experience. I had a child, half a millennia ago, back when I was still a Matron, I had several mates at that time, most have passed, except for one this one Krogan-", she was unsure if he was still alive or not, always charging into danger, he's probably dead. Maybe she'd look him up, see if he was around still. "I feel that a Matriarch should be able to care for a child well enough, even if I have a little help." Tevos concluded

"Motherhood is kind to some, but you need to remember. Unlike the asari, we do not have the kindness of a long life. You may miss many important moments in your child's life, if treated like an Asari." Eve said, as he own experience, parenting asari felt that their children were overwhelming to them, as the Asari were not expecting their children to grow up so faster than they had expected.

"I have heard that you had the the early fazes of your species, while they are still in a seeming cellular level" Tevos said.

"We can have the embryo implanted, as long as your bodies have a similarity to ours, from.....gathered materials, I am happy to say, you are capable of having a child." Eve said.

"Well, that is pleasing to hear. I believe we can create an appointment for the implantation." Tevos said.

"Yes, well that would be pleasing, however, I do have something that is in need of discussion. A reporter is wishing to announce the "discovery of the Gaians and do a report on us." Eve said.

They left the ship and Eve motioned for the hologram of Tevos to enter the room, and was being met by the reporter of the Citadel News Network, Naixis Keza. Tevos "sat down" across from the table of the reporter.

The air was tense, as Eve wanted the two asari to talk to each other, before Eve put in her own opinion.

"I believe it has been long enough. The Gaians have been nearly fully mixed into Lusia's culture, and with Aita, the city of Shinar. Think about everything they have done. They have given us unlimited power. They have given us a form of FTL that is faster than any previous. The Homunculus and golems have liberated many Asari from less than desired tasks, all we need to tell the galaxy." Naixis Keza, a matriarch who was apart of a galactic news network.

"Yes, I can understand that, but this isn't a choice I can make. Think about what would happen if we revealed this to they have accomplished. It would have to be the Gaian's leader choice for when they decide when they wish to announce their presence." Tevos said.

A door opened, and Eve walked in. She smiled, she was nearly 80 now, but looked to be just past her prime. She walked over and smiled locking her eyes on Naixis Keza's. The younger woman, had almost, a sense of wisdom and experiance.

"Miss Keza. I can understand the desire that you have. To report on us, would be an achievement of a lifetime. However, I believe that we can not show the announcement as "We have been here for some time" We need to show it as "Newly discovered." This can be a protection, that you can use, the discoveries were simply discovering our attempts to scout out space, see what is beyond our planet." Eve said.

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