Seven Day War: Day 3

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The Streets of Zion were being filled. The March of the Asari, Turians, Quarians, and Salarians were out in the street. They would occupy the main roadway. It was a surprise when the Geth came out and started to play music.

The Alliance would be having guards at the door, ready to push back, as they were armed with shields and batons. They were at the edge of the base, holding position.  The mix of races, shouting at the soldiers, protesting their occupation would become stressful, especially when during the attempts to push back the protesters, the Asari through up Biotic Barriers to block the canisters of smoke from entering in an attempt to disperse the crowds.

The Turians would have some rocks be thrown, crashing against the Alliance soldiers with no actual danger them. Vehicles would roll up, moving forward with the Alliance Riot Control.

"This is getting insane." One Alliance soldier said, as he marched forward. 

The Protesters would keep pushing, some sitting in the rode to make an harder. The protest would however become a Riot, when the vehicles that the Allaince were using to support the push, would suddenly be launched up, a pillar of stone appeared in the road, before a second pillar slammed into the back, damaging the drive axel, while also pinning the vehicle in place.

A Krogan, one of the few who remained in the city, would let out a warcry, before throwing a bottle of Ryncol, it shattered and flames burst from a spark, making some of the Alliance soldiers surprised, dropping the riot shields to not catch fire.

The Krogan would charge the line, followed by a few Asari and Turians, before more people joined. A brawl started, asari launching alliance soldiers away, pushing towards the Gardens of Zion, and the Space Port. 

The Geth would start to play the sounds of bagpipes, as the Krogan picked up a shovel from the wedged Mako, before with a commanding shout, he lead a charge on the guard outpost. As the more Riotous members charged the position, the use of stun grenades, and Concussive shots.

As the Krogan, Wralot Wogg would reach and slam a shovel down, knocking unconscious a Allaince soldier. Two soldiers took aim and began to shoot the unarmored krogan out of fear. The Krogan would stumble back, before he turned and looked at the soldiers, roaring in anger at before he would charge and tackle one, slamming his fist into the head, breaking the glass of the soldier's helmet. More shots went into Wogg's back, before he turned and with a hard throw, threw the soldier he tackled into another. 

It was rather sudden when he fell to the ground, due to a shock that overloaded his nervous system, making him pass out.

The Alliance soldiers would use neural shocks, concussive blasts and brute force to disperse the crowds. Those that they could catch, were arrested, however, it turned out, that there were some, who couldn't withstand the neural shock and died. Of the 22 captured, 8, were dead upon "capture".

The Zion 8 would be remembered, becoming symbols to Zion.

However, not all of Zion was in the protest. In District 4, a school was still in session, with a pair of soldiers.

"The Gaians have made it clear, All things come with a price. The philosophies of life are important. Today, we are going to discuss the Asari-gaian philosophy. To the Asari culture call the price "Equivalent Exchange". For knowledge, we give our time and focus, and we learn, out long lives have given a chance to experiance much, as we give up our time to master our crafts.

The Turians know the idea as "Service of the Will" it's really simple. The government serves the people, and in exchange, the people who want to become part of the government, will become part of the service, defending the service, before they are allowed to become members and aid the civilian.

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