Slice of Life 2

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Leave some questions about the story, setting or characters, I will be answering after the Slice of Life arc.

The Asari, in terms of the new galactic paradigm, had not changed the greatest amount, unlike much of the Galaxy, the Asari were still the species that was known for it's power, and it's arts. Be in asari traditional art, or Gaian Mixed art, there was always something new coming out.

A younger Liara, who was in her 70's and was just about to enter higher education, still unsure of what path, either being a business woman like her mother, or go off on her own as an archeologist, like she had dreamed of as a child. What ensured her on the path, of looking at the long dead civilizations, was a Gaian movie.

"Carolina Croft and the City of Gold"

Liara went to see this movie, and was surprised at the opening. A group trekking through a forest, one looking over a old book, moving swift and carrying a small bag as two more moved behind her. Eventually, they reached a waterfall and the woman was shown in shadows, her curved figure standing out against a waterfall. 

"We are close." the woman said.

She was reading a book, when one of her companions drew a flask and poured a small ampule of liquid into it, the bottle marked with a skull.

"Miss Croft, a drink, you need to be hydrated in this heat." He said.

"Dragule. I am not a fool." She said, pulling her gun.

"Best you take a drink first. Just so I can trust your offer." the woman said, stepping forward, moving out of the shadow, showing her beautiful face that was softly tanned, lacking any marks that took away from her beauty.

She slipped her glasses down a bit and showed her beautiful blue eye. With a small grin, she watched as the man drank the drink, before coughing, clenching his throat, struggling to stand before collapsing to the ground.

"I could smell that after you broke the ampule." She said, walking away.

"How far are we....really?" the other man asked, nervous as he looked down at his companion, that was foaming at the mouth, walking away, following the woman.

"Not very, If I am correct, it should be....just here." She said, pulling part some vines and they looked at an old stone temple that was built into the side of the hill.

"You stay here. I can get the artifact." She said, walking towards the ruin.

Stepping inside, she noticed a branch that was over a pit. She took a running jump, grabbing the branch and used it to clear the pit, adding a bit of gymnastics for flair. She walked ahead, seeing a beam of light. She watched, grabbing a stick and looking, waving it through.....nothing. 

Moving further along, she reached a hall way, and smiled, seeing a few patches on the floor. Taking the stick, she pressed down on the floor, breaking through. 

"False floor. Well call me surprised." She said, taking a flash light out, seeing several metal tipped, if not rusty spikes. She would shine the light on the spots, pressing on them, they were not false flooring, as she could tell at least. 

She stepped onto the first spot, before making a leap to the next, and while still using the momentum of the first leap, she leapt to the next. Bringing herself to a stop, she looked at the steps, seeing what looked like uneven stones. She leaned over, reaching forward and pressing on the stone, seeing if they would move. With a press down, she drew back and felt the blast of wind, and noticed the dart in the far opposite wall.

"Good attempt, but I can still get through." She said, grinning. 

Miss Croft moved slowly, using her limber body to climb up the steps, stretching her body to not press on the moveable stones. Eventually reaching the top of the stairs, she looked towards the pedestal that had the idol resting upon it. 

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