The Lead Up P2

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Major Fedorian was leading a team. They had found reports and tracked leads to a remove world in Citadel space, that was connected to a hijacking of a Zion Colonial Vessel. They had been able to track the signature of the ship to the world, and were deploying stealth vessel, and land forces on the world. 

"Major Fedorian, what is the plan on the infiltration?" One turian asked.

"Breach, use force, but do not go for kill shots unless 100% needed." Fedorian said.

"None leathal, we need these people to talk." Saren Arterius said, looking at the squad.

The Shuttle landed and the Turians would rush around the lab, before planting an explosive charge on the door, and stepping away. The door was burst open and the Turian teams rushed in. The first room was cleared, the doors opened, a few Salarians were inside, armed. A few shots fired, before with a few shots, the Salarian was put down by a volley of electrically charged concussion rounds, stunning and incapacitating the Salarians.

The First door was breached and the team entered a lab. In chambers were Gaians, some were clenching their stomachs, others were missing limbs, having them replaced with cybernetics that were not made by the CyberUnion, or any known cybernetics companies. A few tables had gaians, cut open, dead.

"CAPTURE THEM!" Major Fedorian commanded, annoyed, as he pointed at the scientists.

The Soldiers would rush in, grab the scientists and pin them to the ground, binding them. The Turians went through the area, opening the cells. The Gaians were secured.

"They took a few, the ones they said they would be splicing DNA." One man said.

"Decnus, stay here, rest of you, with me, We have some people save!" Fedorian said, exiting the room and rushing through the facility, searching, until they came across a room, where a Gaian woman was being injected with a needle, the needle still inside of her, as the Salarians held their hands up.

"Freeze you sick fuckers!" Fedorian said.

One Salarian grabbed a Gaian, picking up a gun, holding it up.

"I'm not going down! You will let me go!" the Salarian shouted

Fedorian took aim at the Scientist.

"Let the hostage go!" Fedorian commanded, in a calm voice.

"No. Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to walk out of here, and no one is going to stop me." The Salarian said, looking around, constantly switching his aim at the turians who were in the room, trying to make his way to the door.

Fedorian along with Maulin, would move to one side of the room, as Saren Arterius moved on the other.

The Salarian slowly moved forward, constantly changing who he aimed at, before Saren fired a shot, shooting the gun, knocking it from the hand, and Fedorian took a shot, hitting the Salarian in the leg, making him drop.

"Good work Saren." Major Fedorian said.

"Thank you sir." Saren said, as he moved the hostage to a table.

"Team 1, this is Team 3, Building is secure, however, data was wiped. Our intel will basically be whoever we got now." a turian said over the radio


"The World of Zion is now one of the fastest growing settlements in outer citadel space. The Gaian independent colony has set up and expanded quickly, having several locations of interest, including the Krogan of Clan Nagas has located themselves in the mountains of the world, to tend to their Hairy Varren, The Temple of the Gaian Maiden world, one of the many temples now set up throughout the galaxy by the Maiden orders. And even the Alchemical Academy built by the turians, where it hopes to grant the colonists a chance to learn elemental magics.

We will be happy to show you the grand tour of Zion's capital on the day that the Colony is fully open to the public, in just 2 years, once the last of the infrastructure is completed." the reporter said.

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