Slice of Life 5

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Fedorian was sitting in a bar, having gotten in with a fake ID, she took a shot, and pressed the broken fringe on her nose back in line, and applied Medi-gel. She looked around, the bar wasn't horribly busy, and she like it. That was until the Bar tender looked at her.

"Look....I have to ask. There is this thing." he began.

"No, I won't give you my number, I have someone already." Shepard Fedorian stated.

"No, it's not that. There's this guy up stairs, said he'll break half the bones in my body and most of my plates, then pour the non-dextro alcohol down by throat. Can you just...go up and try and talk him out of it." the bar tender asked.

"I don't know." Shepard said.

"If you don't, you dad has sent out a notice, could give a call." He added.

"Fine, just, don't call him. I have enough problems now as it is." She said, getting up and going up the steps, to the booth the man salarian with a krogan bodyguard was next to him, in the booth.

"So, I'm here to settle the debt with the bar tender." Shepard said, before the Krogan body guard slipped next to Shepard.

"Fair enough. If you are willing to do a job, the account will be closed quickly." The Salarian explained, before producing a tabloid, setting it down for Shepard to see.

It showed a Speed Demon L86e, a luxury car known for it's speed and handling, also rare.

"I want you to acquire me this vehicle. It's relatively close, across town, I will have a driver get you near. You will need to make your way to the parking garage, and steal it." The Salarian explained.

"And how am I to do that? They are bio locked with inplants with unique frequencies tied to the implant." Shepard stated.

The Krogan produced a tool, having signs it was a hacked or....even just a pieced together device.

"Universal Key, mechanics get the code by scanning the chip. This one will cycle through codes until it gets the right one. Use this and steal it. Once you have it, call and I will give you the directions on where to go." the salarian explained.

The Krogan got up and Shepard grabbed the tool, and walked to the front door. A car was near by, and Shepard stepped in. The car moved through the streets, she was tempted to call Garrus, she felt like, something had changed for them, and she didn't know what it was.

The car stopped and getting out of the car, she was near a parking garage of one of the fanciest clubs in the city. Walking in a side entrance, she walked around, until she noticed the VIP area. Stepping inside, she got closer and noticed the Speed Demon. Walking over, she held the device, and it cycled, before the door opened and raised up. 

"Nice, ok, now let's start this thing." She said, looking for the control, only for the door to open, with a flashlight.

"Who do you think you are?" an annoyed and angry voice asked.

Moving her hand, she saw it was an Asari woman, with two golem body guards with a Homunculous assistant, that was holding her arm as she stood there.

Shepard slammed her foot on the gas and tried to tried to get away, only for the key to break and short circuit. She was grabbed and slammed into the ground, as the police arrived, before a pair of handcuffed. 

Shepard was put in a cell, and that's where she stayed, for a night, until her father came to get her out, with Saren.

"Now, Shepard dearest. I am disappointed with you. You are my daughter, my only child. I will not always be able to protect you, you are lucky you didn't get hurt more than you already have." Skymarshal Fedorian stated.

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