The Investigation Begins

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Shepard was going to a place known as Chora's den. The traveled down into the wards. As Shepard, Kaiden and Ashley walked down the ramp, they were met by a pair of turians outside of the bar. Walking through the door way, a burst of gunfire hit near the wall, making Shepard and the rest of his team take cover. 

Tossing a grenade, the disk exploded and let the group move into cover. Ashely began to shoot at the assassins, Kaiden providing cover as well, while Shepard moved to flank the assassins. As he turned the corner, he took a few shots at one, breaking their shields and one shot to the leg, before the other moved and leapt over the railing, and into a sky lane, crashing into a car passing by.

Shepard grabbed the one who was injured.

"Who hired you?" Shepard demanded, gripping the turian by the collar of his armor, pulling him up.

"REMEMBER ZION!" The Turian shouted, biting down and his mouth foamed, before the body began to burn. Shepard stepped back, confused.

"What the fuck? They must have been completely and utterly crazy." Ashley said, looking at burned body.

"Must mean we are on the right track." Kaiden commented. 

Approaching Chora's Den, the door opened and Shepard was met with a mix of.....sensations. The pulsing music, strong beats, the sights of those dancing and partying, and then noticed a row of reclining chairs with people wearing head bands. 

Shepard would walk in, being followed by Kaiden and Ashley. As he reached the bar, they saw a Geth bartender. 

"We want to know where a client is, they are a cop." Shepard started.

The geth looked at Shepard for a moment.

"Information on present Clients are confidential. To Access information this unit would need to be presented with a warrant of arrest or similar legal documentation." the geth explained.

Shepard looked at the geth confused. Kaiden walked along the reclined chairs, seeing if any were wearing C-sec uniforms, or were humans. He saw one man in a chair, kaiden looked down at the terminals....virtual lap dances, asari, turian, salarian, gaian/human, quarian, krogan.....why was there a geth option? WHY WAS THERE A GOLEM OPTION!?

As Kaiden noticed a human in a C-sec uniform, he waved Shepard and Ashley over.

"What does this asshole fancy?" Ashley asked.

"Will the option he have selected affect what you're going to do to him?" Kaiden asked, as he looked at the selected dancer for him.

"Maybe just a little." Ashley said

"The guy has twins....gaian/human twins." Kaiden stated.

Ashley would pull the goggles off of Harkin's face, confusing him, just as he was about to protest about her taking the goggles off his him, when a fist slammed down and struck him right in the dick. Harkin groaned in pain as he held his now pained groin. 

"What is it you want you bitch?" He said, gasping for air.

"We have some questions. What do you know of Saren Arterius?" Shepard asked.

Harkin looked up, annoyed.

"Why should I tell you if I know anything?" Harkin asked.

"Cause I can let my friend here take you out back and see how she can pull that injury down, who knows, it might go past your knees when she's done." Shepard said, choosing to threaten Harkin.

The Office looked at Ashley, who was smiling, cracking her knuckles.

"I would think it be best if you work with us, rather than against us." Kaiden said, trying to assure Harkin we wouldn't have him become a eunuch.

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