Krogan 2

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Many Krogan Clans, still determined to follow the paths of their father, and would begin to attack the walls of Asgard. The attacksa would have no actual damage. One clan would have several Tomkah's shoot their cannons at the walls. The clan, known as Erstac, would hear the sounds of wheels spinning, before thunder would roar from the sky. Suddenly one of their trucks would be broke down the middle. An object shot out and hit more heavier cannons, breaking them.

A man with red hair walked out, hand open and out, before the hammer came back to his hand. The red bearded man turned to look at the Krogan still around him.

"Run." He said.

"Oh yeah? And why should we?" One krogan asked.

"Because, if you don't, everyone of you will die in a painful manner." He said.

"Nice try! You're just one man, and we are a clan of Krogan!" One shouted.

An arrow would fly and pierce the armor of the krogan, breaking the shields in a single shot, killing the krogan as both their hearts were cut open.

"I'm not alone." Thor said, smiling, before 8 winged figures flew down, and landed, with various weapons. 

The came the next surprise, the great gatehouse opened. Our rode a great host, one lead by an 8 legged horse, with Odin at the lead. He raised spear.

"CHARGE!" He commanded, before the great host of would leave the gates.

The host continued, as great army, mounted on horses, would impact the lines of krogan. Odin's spear would be thrown, and never miss. One sword would fly through the air, slicing the heads off many krogan. The winged warriors flew into the crowds, striking many krogan down, and finally, the host would reach the lines of the enemy, and the Clan of Erstac, was wiped out, in the first unleashing of "The Wild Host".

This event, which would become known as the Asgardian Decimation, would the first time, the Krogan had lost in a war on their own terms, since the Rebellion. 

The Clans who had made friends with Asgard would meet once more, in the great meadhall, as they had been requested to come.

Wrex, who had challenged his father to the right to rule, along with his brother, had become the second in line to the chieftain of clan Urdnot, and sat at the table, as it's ambassador.

Odin would arrive into the hall, with 3 women, a child, a woman, and an elderly woman, they gathered around a cauldron, the child on her toes to look inside.

"Clansmen, guests in our halls, I welcome you all. Before we feast and fill our bellies. I wish to announce something. I am wishing to begin a test. Chieftain of Clan Urdnot, would you please stand, and come forward." Odin said.

Wrex got up, and walked down the steps that made up the pit of the great hall, standing near Odin.

"I wish to bestoy your clan a gift. One that I was given, and wish to share." Odin said, he slid off one of his 10 rings, before he handed it to Wrex,

"Keep it safe, it will give you great wealth, in time, but be aware, this one is special." Odin said, keeping a hushed tone, not wanting everyone to hear.

"My gift is a request. I wish to have our Clans become closer. My Einherjar many are young. but now they have reached adulthood, they wish to set out. I want you to be their shield brothers." Odin said.

"What's a shield brother?" Wrex asked.

"Someone you are willing to fight alone side with, defend, and bask in glory with." Odin said.

The Elderly woman looked at Wrex, and raised a finger, before speaking a language Wrex didn't understand. 

"She sees you, fighting as a shield brother to those who wish to shepherd peace, and you will return, to take the seat you belong in, with a son who follows you in glory." Odin said, smiling.

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