Turians 5

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Over the 10 years it took to trouble shoot the issue with the archival slab. In the meantime, the archives recovered, with the wide spread release of Starship Troopers, the book. The Turian society also began to change.

Originally the Society of the Heiarchy of Turian culture was made of 27 ranks, however, now made up of 5 ranks, being those of the axillary, the civilians, the soldiers, the citizens, the Government officials.

The Axillary were made up of those who sought to join the Federation, made up of primarily, of those who were not turian, or Tullosian. They were not able to vote, they had the protection of the Turians, but they needed to pass an examination.

The Civilians were those who provided the state, they were providers of the needs, they filled the needs that could not be met by the upper ranks, while being defended by the same ranks they serve. They could not vote, but they could advance by their choice into becoming citizens, by joining the military.

The Military was the forge that created the citizens. They were put through a crucible of trials, to create a citizen. They are made to defend the body of the hierarchy. It is a choice, one that lets civilians stay as they are, or to further the state's being and become a citizen.

The Citizen are those who work to better state. They are able to vote, as they can be called upon to defend the state as well. They have earned their right to vote, and to further the state, as they risked their own being to reach this goal.

The Government Official, it a citizen, who used their earnings to further the state, but are subject to the Citizen, who are subject to the civilian. They work to improve  the  state, to improve and fix problems, found by the citizens, and civilian.

The many of the previously existing ranks of the old system were still part of the new system, but they were more titles of service, honorary with no real authority to them. 

Over the near decade, we also saw the expansion of the Law Masters. The Galaxy was surprised when the first turian law masters arrived in Council Space. 

A bar/club named Archos was being used as a front for illegal activities, including the trafficking of various species in the slave trade. C-sec had their hands tied, thy couldn't take action. That was when it happened. A Maiden of Death, a rare sight in the galaxy, outside of asari worlds. 

It was a surprise when the Law Masters arrived, they had a unique appearance, they had a new helmet, one where the visor was outlined with a red line, and their lower section of their face could be seen, but a mask was an option to allow full protection when shields fail. The Truth Keepers had become better, and allowed a more variety of shots, but kept the cylinder like design.

The Law Masters moved forward, before placing 3 shaped charges, 1 on the door, and 2 on a near by door, to allow them to breach from a second opening. The Law Masters waited, before pressing a detonator and blew the breaches. Before even the smoke cleared, the Maiden of death charged in, her the weapon expanding with biotic energy with a blade of ice forming from the hilt.

"Move!" the Law Masters said, before they entered.

Entering Archos they would use a few well aimed shots, from stun and concussive shots to incapacitate. As they moved and found resistance they took aim to use more lethal methods. 

"Double Whammy, Hot Shot!" One judge said shooting his Truth keeper, having two super heated rounds split apart as it launched, hitting two criminals in their chests as they got out of cover. The Wall was suddenly broken open and the Maiden body slammed the last criminal into a wall, their blade in their chest.

"Keep up, I have 8 skulls." She said, before she drew her blade out.

They reached a door and the Law Masters opened it, and they took cover as turrets opened fire at the door. The Maiden put up a barrier, before the Law Masters all got behind the barrier, and took aim, saying "High Explosive" They fired and blew up the turrets.

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