Seven Day War: Day 2

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The Alliance was dealing with issues. Issues they didn't expect to have to deal with an enemy that was a paradox basically. They knew of the enemy location, they knew that they were in the forest, they had fought the enemy several times, the issue is, the enemy they are fighting, can basically vanish and appear as they want. 

Unlike the West, which was near continuous dread and fear of being attacked by an artillery shell, or being attacked in the middle of the night in a raid, giving flashbacks to the first world war, the East, was the dread of never knowing where the enemy was, giving flashbacks to the Vietnam war, and the wars in combatting terrorist organizations.

A shuttle would land at the firebase, a group of soldiers would step out, carrying gear as they look around.

"What the fuck is up with this planet? The West is fucking the the trenches of ww1, now the East is looking like Vietnam, the South might as well be described as a hell hole of a hit and run. North....we haven't heard a damn thing from the north." One soldier asked.

"I don't know, fucking space logic." Another said.

They would find a man, who was giving commands, before some guys walked away. The soldiers approached and saluted.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing? Get those arms down, you don't know who the fuck is watching you. We've been here for 2 days and we had 12 officers sent off base, either in a bag or on a stretcher." the officer said, angry.

The Soldiers stopped saluting. They looked overhead as shuttles flew by, the shuttles open.

"Good. Now, I want you to go, set your gear in that barracks. You will get grabbed when the patrols for the day begins. So, best if you just kick back, drink a beer, and get something to eat." the officer said, angry, as he walked to the john, with a roll of toilet paper.

The pair of soldiers walked along the path, and would set their bags in the barracks. One soldier was laying in bed, as the radio played. It was a woman's voice, it was rather smooth and was talking, though it was basically unintelligible due to the language being used

"What are you listening to?" The new soldier asked.

"No clue, it's basically just something that's playing on a bunch of frequencies. We figured out it's latin, but it's like a bastardization of it, basically it's white noise for us." the soldier said.

"Not the proudest wank I've had." one soldier said, sitting up from his cot.


A man walked in, wearing his combat gear.

"Get your gear, we are heading in on a patrol. You, fresh feet, You're filling out the squad. You need the experience." the man said.

The soldiers got their equipment ready and went out, joining up with the rest of the squad, being a good sized group of 12. Each one looked a bit worse, the leader having a bit of his armor damaged on the shoulder. He had a machete on his belt.

"Best you get ready. We got a simple path, good march. We are to reach an outpost set up a few miles in to the east, a former town that we got set up." He said, before he lead the group.

"What does the enemy look like?" One of the new soldiers asked.

"Thin, tall heads, some wear glass masks. Some say they have one eye, others saw they are robots." One of the longer stationed soldiers asked.

"When we get to the outpost, you'll see a few bodies of them we found. And some advise, best stay on the path, and keep an eye on the trees." Another said.

"Lost a buddy to a tree when he had to take a leak. They found him in a tree." A third said.

"What, like the body was in a tree?" The newer soldier asked.

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