Seven Day War: Day 0

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"This is Zion Patrol #5, Relay has been active. Signature reads civilian transport vessel: Turian." One of the radar operators explained as he looked at their console.

A transport vessel entered the system, before making their way to Zion. It was the day that Zion was complete, and a celebration was being held.

Saren Arterius was on a call with his friend, Major Fedorian, as he had arrived at the hospital with his wife.

"Saren, with everything that has happened, I am glad that you had my back, all those years of close calls could have been my end if you were not with me. So, I know I can trust you, Vera and I decided, we want you to be our child's god-father." Fedorian said.

Saren nodded.

"Thank you, it's on honor, and I accept." Saren said, smiling, as he looked at the call with his old friend.

"Sorry, I got to cut the call, no active links are allowed in the hospital's ward." Fedorian said.

"I will talk with you later then, wish your wife a speedy recovery for me." Saren said, before the call ended.

Saren smiled as he watched another ship land at the port. Saren's wife and child would be landing soon, Saren himself was to be help set up the colonial defenses, making sure there was plans incase of dangers, and safe, consistent routes to locations, such as the holds of clan Nagas, or the many farms in the area. 

Saren was walking around Zion. The stone pathed path ways were beautiful, having the stones held by mortar that was infused with crushed crystals made the roads sparkle in the day, and glow in the night, the buildings were designed to be decorative, thanks to the alchemical alterations, turning simple stone to marble. 

The most recognizable structure was the Gardens of Zion, a multi-level structure that had climate simulated to allow the growth of plants from many other worlds, it also happen to be one of the largest structures on the planet.

A crowd had gathered near the Gardens, as the Governor of Zion, Hegio Melus, was smiling, as he stood near his team that would help him lead, the turian, Tusia Varidus, the asari, Zenga Drifi, and the quarian, Cemm'Taarol.

Hegio tapped the microphone and smiled.

"People of Zion, and the Wider Galaxy. It is a great honor to be made the governor of the first home of the Gaians. We have many homes that we share, we have been loved by your people, loved by your leaders, and have found our way into your galaxy. But, to have one for ourselves is a step, many of the arks believed was needed. Zion will return the kindness that we have been given over the the many long years that we have been protected.

We welcome all of you, those who wish to learn the mysteries of the ways of the alchemy, we welcome all with open arms. The academy promises that we will be at the front of the Mystical ways." Hegio said. 

People were cheering, before Tusia stepped forward. She smiled.

"The Turian federation pledges that we will defend Zion at all costs, no invader shall harm the people who have made their homes here." She stated.

The Turians cheered, and smiled.

On the edge of the system, a small task force of ships through the Relay. The command deck of the ship was busy. One of the men, who were working on a communications station, was picking up a new signal. 

Pulling it up, what was heard was clicks and choking sound. Listening close, he was confused, before he stopped a passing officer.

"Sir, I got unknown radio contact. I'm back tracking it right now, and it's....coming from the planet, 3rd from the sun." the operator said.

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