Seven Day War: Day 7

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The Second Fleet would appear in the Zion System, Kastanie Drescher, she had gotten the reports in a big data packet, and after the journey from Arcturus Station to the fringes, because of a war that had broken out with first contact. 

As she walked from her quarters, up and onto the bridge, she would look out the view port, seeing, there were a lot of ships in system, and 5 that were surrounded by a dozen other ships.

"The messages coming in has General William's authorization, a peace deal is needed, and they would take an individual of the rank of Admiral or equivalent as the ambassador for the negotiations." the Comms operator explained.

"Well.....this is going to be interesting to say the least." the Admiral explained, as she watched the approach of the Planet.

A ship that was nearly of the same size as a carrier was signaling the flagship of the Second Fleet, the SSV Fuji. The request was for docking, which was granted. As the pair of ships docked together, the Admiral, along with an escort team walked to the air lock.

As the systems pressurized the gangway, the doors would slip open and the Admiral would be the first human, to encounter the Citadel species in peace.

"I am Admiral Kastanie Drescher, Systems Alliance. I am here to negotiate the peace and withdraw of all Systems Alliance forces in the system. All apart of the situation will be held accountable for the actions taken. We are here to solve the problems that were created." She said, giving a salute.

"Greetings Admiral Kastanie Drescher. If you will follow, we have the members of the offended party present for negotiations." The Asari ship captain explained.

The group was lead into the ship, eventually entering a room with a table, and several individuals at the table. The Admiral felt the many eyes, of both the humans at the table, and the aliens. She walked to the chair and sat down, looked at them all.

"Admiral Kastanie. Please sit down, we have much to discuss." the Asari Representative, A Matriarch who represented the Gaian's of Lucia, Benezia, commanded.

"We have some events to discuss. H-145, the report please." Benezia 

An Albino woman stepped forward. The Admiral was caught off off guard by the crystals growing from her left eye socket.

"Could you explain the crystallization of that human individual?" the Admiral asked.

"H-145 is a Homunculous, she is rather old. The parts are connected to the first, thus the special name. But she isn't human, she's made by a gaian alchemist." Benezia stated.

The Admiral was confused.....that was a lot to take in at once. She was handed a data pad, before looking at it.

The information was clear. It was over a span of nearly a week, with the opening events being a literal missile strike on the population centers that disabled long range coms. The landing was done by alliance, every step of escalation was done by General William's orders. She found that most nearly dozens of reports on how the Alliance had stolen, kidnapped, and basically made themselves the villains of this conflict, it was only after literal rebellion had forced most of the marine elements in the recon fleet to be removed from combat, which were still alive, as they were mostly captured, with only most not being killed, but there were still a lot of casualties.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she sighed and shook her head. 

"When he returns I feel that this is going to be a definitive 331 for him." She thought to herself, before looking up.

"This is.......most unfortunate. It would seem that the actions of one...commander has lead to a misunderstanding of what our goals are of the Systems Alliance. This conflict was not done with our knowledge." the Admiral said.

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