Krogan 1

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As Drusius was desperately trying to pull Tavos from the neck of Nezana, who was being choked nearly to death by the pissed off Asari.


Nezana was being shaken so was unable to respond, even if her voice box wasn't being crushed by the most dangerous thing in the galaxy, a pissed off Asari Matriarch.

"Councilors this is not way to act, if you would allow Nezana to breathe we could possibly get an explanation." Drusius said, being the only one able to prevent Tavos from committing murder by pulling her hands apart just slightly.

Several C-sec and even spectres came in to the screen, trying to separate the potential murderer, from her victim.

"This is the second weirdest thing that has happened to day." One officer said, as they stood near the now free Salarian Councilor.

"What is the first one?" The other officer asked.

"Krogan with a beard." was all that was stated.

"Krogan with a what now?" Everyone asked, looking at the security guard.

"I saw a Krogan, with a beard, like had hair that grew on his face, was ornately decorated, braided, had beads, came through customs, said he was going to be buying supplies in bulk on his way back to Tuchanka, honey, yeast, barries, even some fruit from asari space." the guard said.

The guard pulled up his Omni-tool, showing a picture of a krogan, outside of armor, with a full beard, in a market, looking at fruit. It was a strange sight indeed.

On the Planet Tuchanka, the Krogan were being as they normally were, divided, fighting over remnants of what was their great home world, and over the few remaining fertile women of the species, attempting to survive and thrive in the broken world they called home.

This suddenly changed as through the sky moved a massive pillar, with a horn sounding.  One so loud that it could be heard by nearly half the planet, but it didn't break anything with it's power, nor did it shake any structures.

Many scouts when out to follow, to see where the the monolith would crash, only for it to slow itself and set it self down, near the Great Shrine of Kalros. Many watched as the ground shook, before the greatest of all Thresher Maws, Kalros would break surface and wrap it's body around the pillar.

Several of the scouts watched, more confused, not fighting as they observed the bizarre behavior. They then saw something, clouds formed around Kalros, before a being on a strange object flew out, thunder rumbled, before a bolt of lightning shot out onto the Thresher Maw. Kalros seemingly roared, before uncurling itself from the body.

Kalros's head moved with a flash, and then roared thunder. The Scouts would approach, before a being suddenly appeared.

"Don't bother. To him, he needs to stretch his limbs." the man said.

The Krogan scouts all turned, taking aim at the man, who sat upon a creature with 8 legs.

"Who are you?" one asked.

"I'm known as the All Father. We are just keeping the Einherjar safe." the man said.

Two black cloaked avian landed on the shoulders of the stranger. Kalros was hit one more time before it began to leave. The object that flew arrived near, being a chariot, pulled by a set of goats, with a man with red hair, a rather rough face, and looked fat, stood on the chariot.

"All father, it seems we have come to a new world." the red head said.

"Yes, it seems we have. Asguard stands, with the Einherjar safe. Fjorgyn, she can give new life to the land. Can you her brought out?" the older man asked.

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