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This is a story about a girl, though you'd know her better as Red Riding Hood. Even though you think you know the her, trust me you don't. Because she is quite different from what you thought, really different. Why, you ask? Well, because it's mainly my story too; okay okay partly mine. For I am Prince Arthur and this actually all started a very, very, very long time ago.

One night, 100 years ago on Fairytale Island in the Kingdom of Camelot a hunter was out hunting in the forest

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One night, 100 years ago on Fairytale Island in the Kingdom of Camelot a hunter was out hunting in the forest. He hadn't had much luck for game to hunt down for food and fur hides to sell to the town's furrier this night, again. This was not good and he really wanted money. He was about to head back home when suddenly he saw a mighty stag appear from the forest, bigger than any other. It must have sensed his lust for it turned and started running. The hunter didn't hesitate as he immediately chased after it. It was a long chase and the stag did it's best to lose him, but the hunter managed to keep on going. This would have gone on forever if the stag came suddenly upon a cliff, halting it in its tracks and trapping it and leaving it to the mercy of the hunter. It begged with its eyes for the hunter to spare it but the hunter ignored it and as he killed it. Before he could bag it, however, a blinding light appeared and the Hunter shielded his eyes. When it was safe to look he saw a beautiful women with long golden hair, fair skin, and blue eyes, and slightly pointy ears. She was wearing a silver crown and long silver dress. On her back was a pair of long silver wings. The Hunter froze in fear, for he knew who this women was. Titania, Queen of the Faeries, and she was not happy.
She screamed at the Hunter, telling him had murdered her son, a Faerie prince. With proof she waved her hand and revealed instead of a dead stag but a dead young man in it place, wearing fine garments. The Hunter tried to apologize but Titania wasn't having it, for she could she saw how he didn't spare her son after he pleading mercy. So she put a curse on him that on every night, when there is a moon in the sky (except for a new moon), they would become a werewolf, matching his beastly personality within. And so the Hunter and his family lived a isolated life. His friends deserted him and his family when they saw what he became a monster at night. So he left his hometown and family to start anew, determined to better control his problem and keep himself from harming others. He did later on find love and married but sometime after first son was born he discovered that the curse passed down to the child. That meant he had not only cursed himself but all of his descendants that would come after, dooming his entire line.

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now