Chapter 35

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Arthur was glad the walk to the castle didn't that hard. However, getting into the castle probably was.

For just as they reached the huge front doors, the green-skinned Fae with bushes for hair and tree bark for armer holding spears blocked their entry.

"Halt," spoke the one on the left. "State your business."

"Relax Pete," Greg said before anyone else had a chance to answer. "It's just us. Along with some friends of course."

Arthur turned to stare at the dwarf. Why was he acting so friendly with this guard? He must be mad.

To his surprise though, the guards immediately lightened when they noticed the dwarf.

"Oh master Greg, and Master Felix," said the first guard turning to the dwarf then the gnome. "Good to see you both again. What brings you two here?"

Wait what? These guards knew Felix and Greg? Also, what was with the "Sir" thing?

"Fine," replied Greg. "Also great to see you guys too. We are here to see the High Queen."

"Oh, does that mean Master M is here as well?"

"No," replied Felix. "He's busy with other things at the moment. You know, work?"

"We know that," agreed second guard. "At least he has a more exciting job that what we do: stand around here and do nothing for a few hours."

"Quit your complaining," scolded the first guard. "You're just upset this job wasn't what you were expecting when you signed up to be a guard. Although in reality, you are secretly glad to be doing it because we get both good pay and three hearty square meals a day."

The second just gave a humph in response.

The first guard ignored him and turned back to the dwarf and gnome.

"Sorry about that," he said. "He's new and its second week here."

"It's all good," Greg replied. "So can you let us in?"

"For you two? Of course. I'm not sure about your friends, though." The guard gave a unsure look as he gestured to Arthur and the others.

"I wouldn't worry about them," Felix assuredly in a bland tone. "They're all harmless."

"You sure? Because I sense some fairy magic on a two of them and I think one of them may have dar-"

"Positive," said Greg. "After all Felix is a Fae like you and we all know your species are incapable of lying. So can you please open the door and let us in?"

The guard looked like he wanted to argue more but after awhile sighed in resignation. "Alright. I guess I can't argue with that logic."

With that, he lowered his weapon and signaled his companion to do the same.

"There you go," he said as they pushed opened the doors. "You may enter."

Greg and Felix thanked the guards as the group stepped inside.

 Greg and Felix thanked the guards as the group stepped inside

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Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now