Chapter 5

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Arthur (now human) walked with his head down as he searched for a way out of the forest.

That didn't go as he hoped it would. To honest though, he only came into the woods after hearing about how a man was found dead soon after he came into town. The poor fellow was done in by a wolf, since he was covered in bite and claw marks.

Being the noble and brave hero that he was, he decided to go into the woods and find this beast. He wasn't expecting to accidentally getting his caught in a hunter's rope trap, although if he hadn't he would never have run into such a fair beauty.

When he first laid eyes on her, he swore he almost mistaken her for angel sent from heaven. He felt like he did when he met Snow White when she was disguised as Red Shoes. Unlike her, this girl's beauty was real and not because of some magic shoes or other.

In addition, she didn't scream or run away at the sight of him. Still he was surprised when she politely refused his offer for a date, and even seem weirded out when he asked for a kiss. Ok, yes he shouldn't have asked that right out, but he had to try. Did she already have boyfriend? If she did he would have to go back to square 1! He really hoped that wouldn't come to pass.

What really surprised him was that she despised the Fearless Seven, including him! She had to be the first girl he ever met who wasn't into them. Well, second except for Snow White, but she just said that none of them "were really her type."

Even so, she wasn't upset after finding out who Merlin really was. Heck, she even married him for crying out loud!

Maybe if he got to know her better and try to understand the reason for her hatred for them, maybe he convince her to change her opinion. He couldn't pass up another chance to get a kiss and regain his princely form. Not after the original plan with "Red Shoes" failed.

He Arthur Pendragon after all, and he did not accept failure. By one way or another he would get Gwendolyn to fall for him and get that kiss.

Before that though, he had to get out of this forest first."

It took him a while, but he finally managed to get out and walked back into town (back to a dwarf in the sight of others), relieved

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It took him a while, but he finally managed to get out and walked back into town (back to a dwarf in the sight of others), relieved.

As he passed a building he noticed a poster that     made groan in annoyance.

It was another of those wanted posters that Prince Average (the dunce) had his soldiers hang all over Fairytale Island. Apparently, he was still looking for "Red Shoes," even after the beat up his soldiers when they unexpectedly showed up at Risky Rock.

He and the others they had seen the last of him, especially since he made no appearance since since that day, until these unflattering posters started showing up. Apparently, he still wanted the girl, not aware that she was in fact someone else and married. They weren't even correct in describing them; calling them trolls, not dwarfs. Luckily, the the sketch was grossly exaggerated and Average didn't know that there were now six of them, or he would have caught them long ago.

Arthur went up to the poster, ripping it off and tearing it into pieces. He wasn't worried but was still offended, especially at being called a "hideous troll." The first thing he was going to do when the curse broke was find the loser of a prince and strangle him with his bare hands!

"Now that that's out of the way," he said to himself, clapping his hands when he was done. Now I just need to figure out how to find that girl."

Arthur was so entranced by her that it didn't occur to him to ask where she lived. At least he knew her name, that she mainly went by a nickname, she lived in town, that she had a pet rabbit named Davey, and had been to the woods enough times to know her way around, so that made it a whole lot easier.

Maybe he should ask some people in town if they knew where she lived or if there was a usual place she hung out. Not to mention, check to see if she was single or not. He just hoped that whoever he asked would be willing to answer questions from a green dwarf.

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now