Chapter 28

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   "It's official Davey," Red said, stifling a yawn. "This is unluckiest day of my life."

  They were walking back to camp, which turned out be a long one.

First, the kidnapping by the average looking Prince,  then she was chased by two revenge crazed werewolves (who wanted he for some reason) very far, and now she was stuck walking back the whole way. Not even before nightfall, unfortunately, since it was currently dark.

At least I haven't changed into a werewolf yet, she thought to herself reassuringly. The fact she was still human meant that there was either another new moon, (which was unlikely), or the current moon was behind the cloud. Knowing it was the latter, she hurriedly continued on as she pulled her hood over her face, determined make it to her cave in time.

Normally, with strong senses she would have made it there sooner. However, she had trouble contracting because she was worried about Arthur and if had survived the wolves. As well, as guilty for putting him in that situation in the first place. 

Not to mention, the almost kiss they shared. They would have to talk about that.

What am I saying?, she thought as she shook her head. There was nothing to say about that. They had probably just caught up in the quiet and calm atmosphere. That's it.

Besides, it's not like there were any feelings between them. That was insane. She was werewolf for crying out loud! No, they were just friends and nothing more.

She was caught up in her thoughts, that was she wasn't even aware of her surroundings. Until there came the sound of twigs snapping.

Red thought it was Arthur (for who else had the same magic scent?). However, the underlying scent was very different, more of perfume and silk instead.

Hoping the stranger was friendly she slowly turned. What she saw made both her and Davey freeze.

For there, walking toward her as if blind, was a headless dwarf! It was too dark to see clearly but she could tell it was short, male and green like Arthur. However, it looked like it was dressed more finely than him. Plus, where his head was supposed to be was nothing! As it someone had just cleanly chopped it off! Strangely, the dwarf was making muffled noises as he came toward her.

It wasn't even possible for a headless body to move on its own. Unless this guy was a zombie, which it probably was.

Red had no logical response to this, so that left the only one option: scream and run away fast!

Which she did, not stopping till she got far away from the scary sight.

She didn't even notice that she was getting farther from camp. Her mind was only focused on getting out of sight (if that was possible) of the headless dwarf.

Finally, she stopped when her legs couldn't run anymore. Although, she didn't relax before checking to see if the creature had followed. It hadn't, thankfully.

Relieved, she took a deep breath to calm herself down from that hectic ordeal.

Why am I always running into creeps and weirdos? she thought.

She looked at her surroundings, surprised to see that she ran all the way to the path that led to her favorite spot.

Deciding it was time for some calm reflecting time after all she'd been through, she decided to go there.

The small of violet starflowers came to her before she even arrived at the grassy cliff area.

Once there, she sat down in her usual spot and removed her hood. Davey hopped down from her shoulder and laid down on the ground, exhausted as she was.

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now