Chapter 9

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Arthur (now human) yawned as he got up from the bed and stretched. It was nice to sleep in a normal bed after nearly a month of traveling. During those times it was either sleeping outside or on used cot given lent to him by people who weren't weirded out by his appearance and let him to stay for the night. This bed was an definite improvement.

The night was nice and all, but he wished he was able to talk more with the beautiful Gwendolyn. All through dinner she spoke hardly a word, with only a few snippets here and there.

The only way he was able to get information on her was through her grandmother, who was delightful despite that. Even that didn't help him much, because when the women mentioned somethings Gwendolyn stopped her and so she would then change the subject.

Then when he suggested that she show him to his room, she awkwardly declined, despite it being polite, and went to her room instead saying she was tired. He could tell she was faking when he heard her yawn for he was familiar with that feigning sleep act.

She was definitely didn't like being around him, that's for sure. He just had to show her he was her ally, and the only way to do that would be get her to spend more time with him, starting today.

He then washed up at the basin, before looking at, and admiring, his human self in the mirror above the dresser. That girl, despite being pretty, was crazy for not liking his princely form. After all he was more muscular and better looking than his fellow members.

That was why he had to convince her otherwise. So that when she kissed him and the spell broke she will fawn over him just like all his other fans.

"Ok," he said to himself. "This is the day I am going to do better. I am getting that kiss no matter what."

With that thought, he strapped on his scabbard holding Excalibur, the legendary sword he pulled out from the stone (with help), and went out the door.

Arthur stopped when passed got to Gwendolyn's door.
It was right across from his in the small hallway that had four rooms. He knew that because Meredith told him which room was whose when she led him to the guest room last night.

He lightly knocked, just to see if she was awake. When Gwendolyn didn't answer he looked both ways just see no one was looking. Then he hesitantly reached for the doorknob.

Even though he knew it was wrong to open a young lady's door without knocking, he just couldn't contain his curiosity. He just hoped that she was still asleep and not just getting dressed. If so he could expect a slap to the face, which had happened before.

To his surprise the door was locked. That was odd. Was that a nightly ritual on this house? Meredith didn't say anything about locking doors at night.  Maybe it was something that only Gwendolyn did? If so, why?

Arthur just shook it off. Gwendolyn was probably just concerned about safety, probably safety from him due to her suspicions of him. Which he needed to get rid of pronto.

With a huff he went downstairs into the kitchen where he saw Meredith and a younger woman (he assumed to be Gwendolyn's mother) setting up the table for breakfast.

They both turned to him (now a dwarf again) and while Meredith smiled at him the other woman just stared, which was pretty normal for him.

"Good Morning," he said casually.

"Good morning," said Meredith. "I hope you slept well?"

"Yup," he said. "Like a log." He the turned to ten younger woman. "You can stop staring now."

"Oh my apologies," said she replied. "It's just that I have never seen someone who looks... well like you before."

"Yeah I get it," he said. "I am pretty ugly aren't I?"

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now