Chapter 51

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Arthur pulled with a groan. Why was it that most of the time he and Red tried to kiss, they were interrupted!

He immediately picked up Excalibur and turned in the direction of the noise, intending to tell the shouters to buzz off. He heard Red following after him.

His anger then turned to surprise when he saw who it was.

There, coming toward them was Merlin in his hawk form. Even more surprising were his companions who were Axle, and two other birds; a red cardinal and a white dove.

What was Merlin doing here anyway? Arthur had him stay behind and Red's family and Snow in the case that more of Jacob's "friends" came along. Also, who were those his two avian companions. They obviously weren't regular birds since one of the voices that shouted came from them? Familiars or other sorcerers perhaps?

"Hey, that's Reggie familiar friend," Red said, driving Arthur from his thoughts. "And he's brought some friends and Axle? Also, he seems to know you? Ok, what's going on?"

She immediately turned to Arthur with a confused look on her face.

"Long story," Arthur said, although he was just as confused as her. Before he could come up with an idea Axle suddenly came up and gave him an excited nudge.

"Hey boy," he said, petting him. "You are happy to see me aren't yah?"

"He's not the only one," said Merlin, as he landed on the ground in front of him along with the cardinal and the dove. "Good to see you are still in one piece. Also, am I seeing what I think I am seeing?"

"Yup," Arthur replied. "The curse is officially broken. All thanks to Red here."

"Really?" Asked the cardinal, looking at both him and Red in excitement. "That's awesome. I had a feeling it work it out between you two!"

"Oh, thanks," he replied, nervously. "But who are you guys and how do you know Arthur?"

"Oh, right," Arthur said. "Red, this is -"

"I'll take it from here brother," said Merlin assuredly. "After all, I'd like to get out of this shape anyway."

Arthur saw Red's face turn into shock as she saw Merlin transform back into his regular form.

"Wait aren't you-"

"Prince Merlin at your service," Merlin said with a bow. "Pleasure to meet you Red, finally. I heard so much about you. You already know Axle, along with these two here."

He waved his hand and said an incantation over each of them and the two birds vanished, replaced with Snow and Davey.

"Snow? Davey!" said Red as Davey jumped on her shoulder and Snow came over to give them both a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"That's what I'd like to know too," Arthur agreed. He then turned to Merlin. "Not that I am not glad to see you guys but I thought I asked you to stay behind in case of danger."

"We did but Snow was worried about Red and insisted we come after you," Merlin explained.

"Hey you try staying calm knowing your best friend is in the hands of murderous werewolves," said Snow, turning to her husband with annoyed look. "Besides you would have done same if it was one of the F7."

"She has a point," Merlin said to which Arthur agreed. "Anyway, here we are."

"OK, but why did you fly here if you were going to take Axle too?"

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now