Chapter 29

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Arthur's eyes opened upon hearing the familiar voice and pulled away from Red and turned to see his brother, Reggie on his shoulder again. There was look of anger on the young Prince's face as he held his sword out in defense. In fact it was the same way he acted with the werewolves from before.

Why was he here in the first place, he told them to continue on to camp.

Normally, he would have wondered his brother was gotten into Phillip to act like their was danger around when there clearly wasn't any. Right now he had something pressing on his mind. The realization that he and Red had almost kissed, again.

Sure they gotten know each other better recently (despite their curses) and they were no longer enemies. However, he felt this feeling inside telling that said something different. Their first almost kiss was proof of that. 

He couldn't believe that happened again, and all on the same day. What was wrong with him? All he was trying to do was cheer her up. Besides, needed the most beautiful girl kiss him and break his spell, not a girl who was cursed too. One that was even worse than his own.

Not to mention the fact that he was one of Red's (despite her not knowing) least favorite people right now.

No, he needed to find the sleeping princess for it was her kiss that would free him. Although, he wanted to keep his promise to Red first and help her remove her curse after that he could focus on breaking his own. Although, that thought was beginning to sadden him for unknown reason.

Arthur shook that thought out of his head. Right now he had something else to worry about.

Focusing back to his brother he asked, "Phillip what you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?" his brother asked as if were a dumb question. "What you doing here with this monster?"

"Monster?" he asked, confused. It took him a second to realize he meant Red.

That's right, his brother didn't know about Red's curse. The poor boy probably thought she was here to attack him. "Phillip, I know this looks bad, but trust me it isn't"

"She was about to eat you," the younger prince exclaimed. "Or tear you to shreds."

"No, she wasn't," he argued.

"Uh, I think the fact we both saw her maw reaching for your means that was the case," said Reggie. "Also, did you say she?"

Arthur froze, realizing his mistake. "Uh," he said nervously.

Phillip didn't answer. "I don't care what gender it is," he said, charging forward. "I am going to slay it right here and now." He pulled his sword out and pointed it at her.

Before he could Arthur immediately stepped between them. "Wait stop," he cried.

"What are doing? It was about to attack you."

"And as I said before, she wasn't. So step back and back and put your sword."

"Are you insane? Why are trying to protect this creature?" his brother asked. "After all you've killed lots of monsters before."

"This one isn't like those," he insisted.

"What are you talking about? You aren't making sense."

"Well," he said hesitantly, remembering his promise to Red about not revealing her secret. He wanted to tell Phillip so that he wouldn't hurt her.

Before a day ago, he would have no problem telling his brother. Now though, Red was becoming like a friend to friend to him (even though something in his heart told him differently). If he blabbed her secret to Phillip, he would betraying her. What was he gonna do?

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now