Chapter 22

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Red kept on struggling as she was carried through the forest. The thug holding her just ignored and carried.

She wanted to cry out for help again, but couldn't because of the cloth tied around her mouth. A short while after they took her from her allies, their kidnappers stopped to tie her hands up and cover her mouth, so as not draw attention from any nearby hunters or trappers.

Although, why did they cover up her eyes as well? Probably so she wouldn't know what path they were going on and attempt to escape and flee back to her allies. Which was impossible since they had her in a really strong grip.

Oh, how she wished she was a wolf right now so she could turn into mincemeat!

So all she could do was keep on struggling and hope that Reggie and Davey were able to get help and find her. No such luck, because she couldn't catch any of scent or sound of her companions.

After a long while she caught a whiff of something, the scent of tent fabric, metal and men, which meant they were probably nearing a camp of some kind.

Soon it all became a stronger and she knew that they had entered it. She sensed that there were a few men, about four or five maybe. There was also two hints of another aroma, one that was familiar to the one on Arthur: magic. Except she knew it wasn't him because the one underlying it was not his for it reeked of desperation.

Did that mean that there was someone under the same spell as him? She remembered him saying that his friends also got cursed the same time as he did, and that the prince of Ordinaria was out looking for them. So could one of them be here? Could these thugs captured them like her?

She don't have long to wonder when there came the sound of tent flap opening and a high pitched, shrill male voice shouting, "There you two are! What took you so long?"

"Sorry boss," said the twin with the smarter one, who was the leader of the two. "We would have gotten here sooner but are find has been hard to handle."

Wait, boss? If these guys worked for who Arthur said, this meant that the guy who her captors were speaking too was Prince Average.

Well, that explained the scent of desperation and the whiny voice. There was one no one on the whole island more of a loser than him.

"Yeah," agreed the dumber one with the spiked ball for a hand, who was holding her in his real one. "But at least we found her."

"I can see that," said Prince Average and Red could sense the magic smell getting stronger. Did that mean the prince was under a spell cast by the same fairy who cursed Arthur?

She wasn't surprised by that, because everyone already hated the guy so of course the fairies also would. So of course it was possible he would get cursed by one. Too bad it wasn't spell of silence, by the tone of his voice.

"Did you get that orange troll too?" The prince asked, sounding hopeful. "I want to pay him back for his friend making that wall fall on me."

"Unfortunately no," said the smart twin. "We still haven't been able to find him."

  "You imbeciles!!!" Shouted the prince in an angry voice. "I hire you to do one job! How hard can it be to find one green dwarf in one forest!!!"

"Well, it's a big forest sir," said the dumb twin. "We tried getting the girl to tell us where he is but all she wants to do is scream and thrash. Had to cover her mouth to silence her. Besides, I thought dwarfs mainly hang around the mountains."

"What are you, an encyclopedia?! The man who wanted the girl said the dwarf was here and I need him to tell me where that maiden is so I can get rid of this problem!!"

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now