Chapter 43

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Arthur had only felt truly sad two times in his life. The first was during childhood and his grandfather died. The second was last year when he nearly lost his best friend. This time though felt even worse than the last two.

He knew that he shouldn't be feeling this way though. Normally, he should have been been focused on finding a way out of this forest so he would on with his mission to break his curse. So why did it feel as if he had lost something important that he would never get back?

So all he could do was mope and just stare blankly at every tree or bush, not caring where he was nor heading to.

"Arthur. Arthur? Hey, are you even listening to me?"

"Sorry what?" Arthur asked, turning to him confusion.

"I asked if you noticed any sign of a way out around here?"

"Oh, right. Uh, we should go that way!" He tried to sound assure of himself as he randomly pointed to the left. A facade his brother obviously saw through.

"Arthur, he said calmly. "What's really going on?"

"Nothing, obviously," Arthur quickly. "What even makes you think that something is going on?"

"Maybe because of the fact that you have been looking like someone who's lost their best friend for the past hour."

"No I haven't.

"Arthur, I'm not blind and I'm not dumb enough to know that you clearly down in the dumps. Which I know the reason for: you miss Red."

"No, of course not. Why would I do that?"

"Because you are in love with her, obviously," Phillip gave a knowing smirk.

"For final time I don't love her."

"Yes, you do," Phillip insisted. "Why do you keep denying when it is so obvious?"

Arthur groaned, hating that his brother was right.

"Ok fine," he huffed. "You're right, I... love her." He felt a weight of relief fall from his shoulders as he said it. For it was the truth. He really did love Red, who was unlike any other girl he had ever met. A girl who was brave, caring, smart, and someone he didn't have to work hard to impress.

"Well then lets head back," Phillip said, gesturing for Axle to turn around.

"Hold it, hold it," Arthur said, stopped him. "We are not going there. I told you we are not meant to be."

"Why not?" Phillip asked, confused. "You just said you loved her and don't give me all that stuff about you two coming from different worlds. We both know that there have been lots of interclass marriages. So what is the real reason?"

"Uh, what about my curse?" Arthur said in an obvious tone. "Have you forgotten that we already kissed and nothing happened?"

"That was before you had feelings for her," said Phillip. "And if she feels the same way (which I think she does) it will work."

"Except for the fact that I completely lied to her about my identity," said Arthur.

"Well, you did tell her your name and about being part of a team of famous heroes. You just left out specific details because you didn't want anyone know about being cursed, so technically not a lie. After all hasn't she kept her curse a secret from people too? Besides, if you are so worried about it then just tell her the truth."

"Oh, yeah, that will go well," Arthur replied, sarcastically. "'Hi I'm not some ordinary noble but actually Prince Arthur and I love you.' She's gonna hate me for sure."

"You don't know that," said Phillip.

"Oh trust me she would," said Arthur. "No, it's best if we go our separate ways and forget about each other."

"So you are just going to walk away then?"


"Can I say something?" Phillip asked, sounding serious.

"Sure, why not," Arthur said.

"Arthur, you are my older brother and I have always looked up to you. You wanna know why?"

"Because I'm more awesome and good-looking?"

"No, its because you are brave and bold. Whenever facing off against bad guys or going on quests you never back down once. Instead you face them down now matter how big or strong or tough they are."

"So true," Arthur said, smiling.

"However, you are lousy when it comes to relationships."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Arthur turned to give his brother a stern look.

"Well, for one you never stay with the same for longer than a month. Probably due to the fact you choose to court are just as vain as you and who only want you for either your looks or status or-"

"Is there a point to all this?"

"All right," Phillip said. "Geez. All I'm saying is that I've seen how you are with those girls, and not once did you ever look at the them the way you do with Red. That is because you are in love with her. Only instead of doing something about it you decide to turn tail and run!"

"That is so not-" Arthur started to say before realizing that Phillip was right. There was some girl he was truly in love with not because she was beautiful or had some title. Only instead of doing something about it he was fleeing like a total coward. He was a Pendragon goodness sake! Pendragon's were not cowards!

"You are right," he said. "I am running way."

"I'm sorry could you say that again? I didn't hear it," Phillip said, playfully holding his hand to ear as if he were hard of hearing.

"How about a punch to the nose instead?" Arthur snapped.

"There's the brother I know and love," Phillip said as he gave him a noggie.

Arthur immediately pushed him away. "Stop that" he said. "I'm not a child you know! Also, if you tell the others about this I will strangle you, brother or no. Now, lets look for the village. There's a girl I need to see."

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now