Chapter 15

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"Ok, explain," said Red after they got down from the tree.

"Explain what?" He asked.

"Oh I don't know. How about how you know those guys and why they are chasing us?"

"I don't know them. What would give you that idea?" He lied, trying to laugh it off.

Red just stared sternly at him with her arms crossed, not buying it. Her rabbit doing the same from the satchel.

"Ok fine I know them, but I don't know what they want with us," he explained.

"Who are they?" She asked.

"They are Prince Average's guards," he said.

"Those guys work for the loser prince?" She asked. "Are they mad?"

"I don't know," Arthur amended. "Probably because he is rich and of royal blood."

"That explains the his highness they mentioned," said Red. "But why is the Prince of Ordinaria after you."

"I'm guessing he wants to back at me and my friends for beating his soldiers last time we met," he said.

"Why would he want send soldiers to attack dwarfs?"

"Let's just he wanted a friend of mine," Arthur replied.

"Wait a minute," she said, eyes widening. "I saw wanted poster from the prince saying he was looking for seven green trolls who aided a wanted criminal. That's you and your friends isn't it?"

"Ok first of all its dwarf not troll. Second, the picture on the poster was horrible rendition of us. Finally, we were not aiding a wanted criminal. Actually, she was an innocent young lady who was hiding from her wicked stepmother and we were helping her find her lost father. Prince Average was only after her so because the stepmother asked him to find her. That's why he called her a wanted criminal."

"Let me guess she was beautiful and you offered to help her so she would fall for you and kiss you?" she asked amusingly.

"Maybe," he said, though it was the truth.

"Obviously, she turned you down, because here you are, still a dwarf," she said. "What did she get tired of obnoxiousness and left."

"No," he said. "I decided we were better off as friends. Besides, she ended falling for my friend Merlin so his curse broke first."

"Wait, both you and your friend are cursed," she asked in surprise.

"Technically, Merlin was cursed but not anymore," he said. "and it want just the two of us but our whole team to be exact."

"How did that happen?" She asked.

"That's for me to know and you to never find out," he said. He was not going to explain the how this dwarf thing started. It would lead to her putting two together and finding out that he and his friends were the F7.

After they got cursed they swore to each other that he would tell anyone about it. For if word got out that the mighty Fearless Seven were turned into with weak dwarfs, every bad guy in Fairytale Island would waste no time in getting rid of them. So it was better not to let anyone know. Except for Snow and her father, who luckily promised to tell no one.

"I was just curious," she said. "Don't have to get huffy with me. So you said the prince wanted the pretty girl to bring back to her stepmother?"

"In actuality the stepmother wanted the shoes her stepdaughter accidentally took for her," he explained. "The prince just wanted to the girl to be his at his birthday party."

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now