Chapter 27

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Again why does this place have so many monsters? Arthur asked himself as he ran.

This wasn't his best idea, as he hadn't successfully learned from all his previous ones. Like foolishly striking down two werewolves and leaving without checking to see they were both dead.

If he knew then that one of them would still be alive and want revenge, he would have plunged his sword straight through the monster's heart instead of just slashing his chest.

However, he was still a child back then and that was one of first battle he had ever thought so of course he couldn't have known. He just wished he didn't have two werewolves to face instead of one.

Although, there was one good thing about this: Red had hopefully fled right away and was on her way back to camp.

That thought kept him going as he tried to lose the mutts off his trail.

So far, he had no such luck because every time he tried to get away, they still followed. Darn werewolves and their strong sense of smell!

All he could do was keep on running, hoping to find some way to get rid of them.

Unfortunately, fate was not on his side because the path ended at a high rock wall. One that was really high and had nothing to help him climb up.

Arthur turned as the werewolves arrived, looking like they just found gold.

"Nowhere to run now," said the older werewolf. "Now take us back to the girl, your highness. Or its lights out for you, permanently."

Arthur stared bravely at them as he asked, "How do you know who I am, and why do you want Red?"

"Of the first one is simple," the werewolf said slyly. "I recognized you by your scent which I have memorized since the day we met. Sure you are older and your form is different, which I can tell is due to a curse (and a strong one it looks like). As for Gwendolyn, that's for us to know and you to find out, oh never."

"Wait you know her name?" he asked surprised. "How-"

"Again that's a secret. Now take us back to the girl."

"First tell me, why you want her," he ordered.

"Like we are going to tell you," snarled the younger wolf. "Mother murderer.

"For your information," Arthur said. "Your mother almost killed my friend. So I had no choice but to fight and the kill was in self-defense."

The wolf stared in surprise at what Arthur said. "What?" he asked, turning to his older companion in confusion. "Uncle you the two princes attacked first."

"Of course they did my boy," the older werewolf said assuredly. "Don't believe what this dwarf says."

"Right," he said, turning to back to Arthur with a glare. "Nice try dwarf. You are not going anywhere till you to take us to the girl so I can marry her and then we can-"

"Don't tell him our plan, you dolt!" snapped his uncle, angrily. "Did you just forget who he is?!!"

"Sorry Uncle," the younger werewolf said, looking down at his paws. "I didn't mean to. Plus, it's still hard to believe this dwarf is one of the F7."

"Well, you better remind yourself and you almost ruined everything revealing it to him!"

"Wait," said Arthur, confused by all this. "You chased us through this forest all because you want Red to marry this guy?" He pointed to the younger werewolf.

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now