Chapter 12

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Red walked silently through the dark forest, keeping her ears, eyes, and nose glued for anything coming her way.

So far there was no one around except her, Davey, and some chirping crickets. On her way here she thought she sensed someone following her but when she looked there was no one. It was probably her imagination. No one would up at this hour.

She did her best to be conspicuous that earlier with her family and Arthur and went to bed early at the usual time. She locked her door as usual but instead of preparing for bed, she started packing clothes and essentials in sack. Then, when she was sure everyone was asleep she crept downstairs to the kitchen to get some food and leave a note for the others telling what she was going to do.

It was hard keeping this a secret from Mama and Granny, but is told what she was planning they would try to talk her out of it. Or worse insist on going with her. Red knew it was better this way. Besides, if she did allow them to come, how were they to explain to the villagers why the store would be closed for a few days.

So she left the house with Davey as her only companion, later hurrying quickly to the forest. 

Once she had made it far enough that no outside could see her she stopped and took a deep breath of relief. Then looked around for a place to set up camp.

Davey pointed out to her a nice spot grassy spot near some trees and small a rocky cave with with a little overhand that reminded him f a curtain and she agreed. It looked uninhabited and unnoticeable, perfect to set up camp. Plus, it was great protection in case of rain and from anyone see her transform tomorrow night.

After checking to make sure it was uninhabited and safe (it was and there no animal prints telling otherwise) she took some wooden stakes and cloth from her bag and set up a nice little tent for them inside. She knew how to do that from a year ago when her dad showed her while they were out camping one time.

She then made sure it was steady then nodded to Davey and said, "Well Davey it's time for bed."

Davey nodded back and the two went under the tent and settled down.

When they comfy she said, "Goodnight Davey," she whispered. "Sleep well for tomorrow we start hunting for a Fae."

Davey did not respond, just instantly fell asleep.

  Red also went asleep hopeful that tomorrow would be a lucky one for her.

  Red also went asleep hopeful that tomorrow would be a lucky one for her

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  Red awoke to the sound of birds and the scent of fresh air. She must have forgotten to close her window last night.

Just as she reached for her blanket to cover her ears she realized her blanket wasn't there. She opened her eyes, and seeing her surrounding reminded her that she was in the forest and her reason why.

Red then turned to Davey, who was fast asleep at her side. "Come on Davey," she said, gently nudging him. "Time to get up."

Davey yawned and stretched and followed her. They went to a stream that was nearby and splashed water on faces and cleaned themselves a bit.

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now