Chapter 18

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Red just stood staring in shock at the stranger, unable to speak. How how had he been standing there and when did he wake up? Whatever the answe this was bad for them.

"How long have you been awake?" Arthur asked as if he read her mind.

"Not long. In fact I just woke up," the stranger replied calmly. "But I do know that you guys stole the fae I just caught and are now planning to take my ride as well. Well, lucky for me I am good with a sword, so give me them back and I will let you go unharmed. If you refuse well, you can imagine what will happen."

"Wait, hood up," Red said, standing up and holding up her hands in defense. "We are not thieves and didn't steal any fae. In fact, what was in the bag wasnt even that but this familiar." She gestures to Reggie. "And we didn't steal him we let him go."

"You expect me to believe that?" Asked the stranger in disbelief.

"It's the truth," said Arthur. "And besides this horse isn't your ride, it's Prince Arthur's. Which you probably already know since you stole him, along with that sword your holding. So if any one is a thief, it's you."

"I didn't steal this sword," argued the stranger. "It belongs to me. As for the horse I am... borrowing it for a while until the Prince comes back."

"Yeah right," said Arthur sarcastically. "And I guess you are only dressed like that for fun?"

"I'm not lying," he said. "After all the horse knows me."

"Like we are gonna-"

"Axle, come," the stranger calmly ordered the horse.

Arthur stared in shocks as the horse started walking to the stranger, stopping right in front of him.

"Good boy Axle," he said, gently stroking the horse's head. Red was surprised to see that the horse liked it.

"What?" Arthur asked, flabbergasted. "That's impossible. The only ones he is close to are the prince and those close to him. So why is he being obedient to you."

"I told you. He trusts me," said the stranger. "And why wouldn't he since he knows I will return him to his owner. Only a thief wouldn't do that, which I am not, as you can see. Now I will say it again, return the far you stole or I will attack you with my sword."

"As I said before we are not thieves and there is no fae," said Red.

"And as I said before, I don't believe you," he said. "Why don't just make this easy for yourself and just quit with the lies and just hand over Fae safely."

"It's not a lie," she insisted. "Listen, do I honestly look like someone who would steal a fae for some malicious reason?"

The stranger looked her over for a moment then sighed. "No," he finally said, lowering his sword. "You don't, especially since you are caring a bunny in your satchel. But what about your companion? He looks suspicious."

Red could understand that. The guy was a dwarf with green skin and all. However, she didn't think he would take a fae for mean or selfish reasons. Probably because he was cursed.

"Don't worry," she said. "He's good too."

"Well, this is just great," grumbled the stranger in very less deep tone of voice as he sheathed his sword. "This is the third forest I've been to, and still nothing. I am beginning to think the fae have it in for me."

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now