Chapter 11

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That night Arthur (human again) had trouble sleeping as he lay in the bed in the Hood's guest room (Rosalind and Meredith insisted that he stay another night, despite Gwendolyn opposing it). For hours he just kept wondering what went wrong.

He found the most beautiful woman and got her to kiss him (which was the most expected yet wonderful kiss he ever had), so he should have returned to his human form. So why was he still a dwarf?

He was beginning to think the Fairy Princess lied about how to break it. After all, Merlin broke his spell when Snow kissed him, and she was far from the most beautiful in his opinion.

Maybe it was because Gwendolyn didn't mean it. From what he saw earlier she only kissed him to get rid of some annoying admirer. He knew the feeling. Back before the curse he and the other members had their shares of creepy fans who chased them non stop, begging for dates or to marry them.

Arthur then knew that he had to try harder to get her to fall for him so she would want to Kiss him. Then he would be back to being a prince.

Just then he heard the sound of a door opening and closing from the hallway, followed by footsteps. That was odd. Normally, people were asleep around this time.

Curious, he got up and went over to the door, silently peeking it open a crack to see what was going on.

There he saw Gwendolyn, walking quietly to the hallway. Was she going to the kitchen for a late night snack. His friend Hans would do the same thing sometimes.

He was about to close the door and go back to bed when he noticed that she was fully dressed and carrying a satchel and sack. She didn't need that if she was getting a snack. What was she up to?

As soon she was downstairs he opened the door and quietly went to look. She went to the kitchen for a second before heading to the door, and went out.

Ok that was really weird. Where was she going out at this time of night?

Arthur quickly hurried back to his room, getting dressed and strapping on his sword. He had to go after her. It was not safe for a girl like her to go out at night, especially since there might be a dangerous wolf out there. As a longtime hero he could not let that happen. If he saved her maybe she would him a kiss for gratitude.

Once he was ready he went down the stairs and out the door. There he saw her a while ahead away walking the path to town.

Why was heading to town? The stores were all closed at this time.

He silently followed her, doing his to be discreet. Whenever she she stopped and looked around he immediately hid behind a nearby tree or bush. It was times like these that he wished he had an invisibility cloak like Jack's, so that he wouldn't have to jump to hiding spots.

  She got into town and when got to the middle of it and headed in the direction of the woods.

What she doing going into the forest? This just kept getting weirder and weirder.

He just sighed and kept on after her, following her into the woods. The things he had to do for a kiss.

In the forest, however, it was dark at night and because Gwendolyn was walking quickly, it was hard to see her. The sound of her boots on the ground the only clue where she was.

Why is she in such a hurry? And in a dark forest? Arthur thought to himself as hurried to keep up with her. Wait, is she secretly meeting guy for a date? Oh I really hope not. That would ruin everything.

Gwendolyn soon stopped in a place where the trees were not so clustered together and there was little light from the stars. Arthur immediately ducked behind a tree as she looked around.

When he thought it was safe he peeked around and saw her go to a small area with a small rocky cave and take something from her bag, cloth and some stakes. She went in and didn't come out.

Arthur sighed in relief. So she came here for camping and not to a secret rendezvous. At least that is what it looked like. Thank goodness.

But why did she want to camp secretly and tell her family? Plus, why do it alone? Yes, she had her rabbit but camping was always better with other human friends and family.

Arthur didn't have much time to think about it when he suddenly gave a yawn, reminding him he needed to get some sleep. He could think better in the morning.

So finding a comfy spot near the tree he settled down and went to sleep, planning on continuing his secret trailing of Gwendolyn the next day.

Hi everyone! If you guys noticed that I posted chapter 13 before 12, that was an accident. My bad! I unpublished and make sure to publish it again after 12 is.

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now