Chapter 44

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"What are you doing here?" Red asked nervously. After all, the last thing she expected was running into her old friend, and in her own home of all places!

"I thought I'd come visit," replied Snow calmly. Although, she seemed just as nervous as Red who sensed the other girl was not telling the entire truth.

"Oh, well that's nice."

There soon came a tense silence as nether girl said another world. They couldn't even look at each other.

It was Red's mom who finally broke the silence by saying, "Well, it seems you two have quite a few things to talk about and its getting late. Red why don't you take Snow up and show her your room before taking her to the guest room? Since she is staying here of course."

"Wait what?" She asked, turning to her mom in surprise. "Uh, mom are you you that's a good idea? I'm sure that she already has lodging somewhere else."

"Of course," Snow agreed. "I wouldn't want to impose after all."

"Nonsense," her mother said, looking shocked. "Your family Snow so you are staying here. Now, up you two go!"


"Red," her mother sternly warned, giving her a look that said 'Do it or else.'" A look Red was familiar with and didn't want to go against.

So with a sigh she led the other girl up to her room to wait while Mom and Granny went to prepare the guest room.

Once there while Snow quietly looked around, Red stood awkwardly near the door. She knew she should say something but still her mind just drew up a blank.

So she turned to look out the window at the tree near her house, Reggie perched on one of its branches. She remembered he was going to spend the night there and wondered if she should check if he was ok.

Just as she started to head over there, she noticed that he wasn't alone. He seemed to be chatting with another bird that she originally thought was an owl. Only when she looked closer she that it wasn't an owl at all but a hawk! That was strange. Hawks weren't nocturnal and they definitely not found around these parts.

It was probably a just another familiar passing through. Reggie appeared awfully familiar to it so maybe he or she was a friend of his?

"Your room is nice."

Red immediately turned away from the window, current thoughts forgotten, as she turned to Snow who was staring at her.

"Oh, thanks," she said. "Although, it is not as grand as the one I had back in Whiteburg. I am just surprised to take you this long to visit."

"I see you you're still upset at me."

"I'm more than upset," Red said with glare. "I mean how many girls find out their best friends marry the leader of their most despised group!"

"It isn't like that Red," Snow said calmly.

"Yeah, you're right."  "He probably cast you spell on you into agreeing anyway."

  "Spell? What are you talking about?" Snow looked confused.

"Oh come on," Red said with a scoff. "Your husband is one of the most powerful wizards on the Island. Not to mention a second prince looking for a princess in line to her kingdom and yours was lucky one. It is obvious that he cursed you so you would accept his proposal!"

"You seriously think that?"

"He's the leader of the F7? That group his full of sneaky rogues who only care about themselves and no other. Just look at all the broken hearts they left behind!"

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now