Chapter 33

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"Is this some sort of joke?" Arthur asked, his arms crossed, giving the gnome a cold hard stare.

Since last night both he and Phillip had kept an eye on both him and the dwarf, trying to see if either one was up to no good or not.

So far it was pointing to the former. Mainly because the the little twerp dragged them all the way here to a what at first seemed like a secret place. Only, Surprise! It wasn't that at all! No, it was just another unmagical part of the forest!

There wasn't even any sign of a door or any other way to get to Avalon! All there were was trees, grass, and the usual wildflowers.

The only thing unusual about it were the few circles of mushrooms scattered around. All in all, it was not impressive.

"Cool it bronzed and brainless," said Felix, sounding the opposite of reassuring. "This isn't a trick."

"Really?" asked Phillip, looking just as annoyed as Arthur. "Then why bring us instead of to the Fairy Queen as you were supposed to?"

"Yeah," agreed Reggie.

"I hate to admit it," said Red. "But I agree with them as well. After all, you did say you would open a door to the Realm of the Fairies, and so far no door."

"And I will," the gnome replied, beginning to look irritated. "That's why I brought you here in fact. To open it."

"But why here instead of back at camp?"

Arthur wanted to know that too. After all, if would have saved them a whole lot of time.

"Because, if I did, nothing would happen."

"Huh?" Everyone except for Davey and Greg asked, looking at the gnome in confusion.

"Seriously?" Felix sighed. "You people can trap a Fae but have no clue about the doorways to the realm? Unbelievable. Greg why don't you explain this? I don't think my nerves can handle this."

"Really? Sure," the dwarf repplied, looking excited.

He the turned to face the group.

"Ok," he started. "You guys already aware that Fae can open doorways to and from Tir NaN Og However, what you don't know is that the those to it themselves can only be opened wherever there are fairy circles. Hence the reason for coming here."

"And there are fairy circles here?" Red asked, still a little unsure.

"Yes," said Greg, nodding.

"So where are they?" asked Reggie.

"Why around us of course!" Greg held his arms out and gestured to the area around them.

"What are you talking about?" Arthur, now really annoyed. "All I see is just a bunch of plain old mushrooms!"

"Those aren't plain mushrooms," corrected Greg. "Oh, no. In fact, these shrooms are fairy circles!"

"Ok, now I think you are crazy."

Red, however, seemed to understand. "I think I get it. So you're saying these rings of mushrooms are actually fairy circles and that they help us open a door to the Fairy Realm?"


Arthur turned to Red in surprise. She was able to figure that out so fast!

Although, that wasn't surprising to be honest, she was one smart girl after all. One of the things that made her very intriguing.

"Wait," interrupted Phillip. "Red, how did you figure that out?"

"It wasn't hard," she replied. "In fact, I remember one time when I was a kid. I was out camping in one of Whiteburg's forests with my with my father and I tripped on a tree root, almost landing face first in circle of mushrooms. Luckily, my dad caught me just in time. After that he warned me to be careful because it was Fairy Circle and if someone stepped into one they would end up trapped in it and taken to the Fairy Realm, later ending up a fairy's slave for eternity."

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now