Chapter 8

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Red just ate quietly through the whole ordeal, listening to Granny ask Arthur questions about him.

The guy gladly answered every question, to be sure. She sensed that there were a few things he was still hiding. Such as when she mentioned him being cursed, he acted a little nervous.

There was one thing she didn't need to know though: that he had six brothers who also had green skin. Good grief there are more of him! She thought to herself when she heard that. Hopefully, they were not like him when it came personality.

What was unnerving was that he kept sending flirting looks her way throughout the whole dinner. She kept rolling eyes every time and tried her best not to scoff or gag. What was this guy? Didn't he see she wasn't interested?

Red finally sighed when dinner was over and he left to go. The sooner he left the better. She definitely didn't want to chance him finding out about her "beast" side.

"That dinner was delicious," said Arthur. "I must say you are a good cook Gwendolyn."

"Thanks," she said plainly. "But It's nothing to brag about. Almost anyone can do it."

"Are you staying in town?" Asked Meredith.

"Uh, actually I think I will be camping," replied Arthur. "You know sleeping under the stars."

"Oh, you shouldn't do that," said Granny. "You know what? You should stay here with us!"

Red turned to stare at Granny in shock. He couldn't stay here! Not when it was a night when she became a wolf.

"Oh, no I couldn't possibly," he said, acting all humble. "I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"Oh you wouldn't be," said Granny with a wave of her hand. "It would be a pleasure. Besides it isn't safe outside right at night right now, with all the recent wolf attack and all."

"You do have a point," said Arthur thoughtfully. "And a house full of ladies will need protection from a someone strong and brave like me from those."

"Don't worry we are fine on our own," said Red hurriedly to him before turning to Granny. "Granny maybe it would be better for him to stay at an inn since there are more people there and better rooms there."

"Red you know the inn is all way back to town," said Granny. "We can't let the poor guy walk all the way there all alone."

"But Granny," Red whispered leaning closer to her granny. "You know tonight is not a good night, because you know."

"Its just one night Red," assured Granny. "You two are going to be in separate rooms and you can lock your door like you usually do. So you don't have to worry about him finding out. Do you really want to subject this innocent traveler outside to a wolf attack?"

Red sighed, for Granny had a point. Even though the guy was annoying, he didn't deserve that.

"Fine," she said with a sigh. "As long as it's just one night."

Granny smiled before turning to Arthur. "It's settled you can stay the night in our guest room. Follow me."

"Most obliged miladies," he said with a galant bow and followed after her into the house. "Do you think maybe Gwendolyn could show me to my room."

"Well," said Granny.

"I would love to," said Red. "But.." she did a fake yawn. "I'm a little tired so I'll just go straight to bed."

"Are you sure," asked Arthur. "It's still a little early, isn't it?"

"It's ok," she said in an assuredly. "I am an early so it works. Come on Davey. Goodnight to both of you."

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now