Chapter 17

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Arthur and Red looked up in surprise. What with knocking out the stranger (which he did himself in his human form), and him reuniting with his horse he completely forgot about freeing the fae.

However, now he was closer, the voice sounded very familiar. Suddenly realization dawned. This was not a fae but rather....

"Reggie?" He asked in surprise. "Is that you?"

"Arthur? Called the voice from the bag. "Oh, what relief to hear a familiar voice. Now can you please let me down?"

"You know this fae as well?" Red asked in surprise.

"Yeah I know him," he said in a displeased tone. "And unfortunately he is not a fae."

"He's isn't? Then what is he?" She asked curiously.

Reggie answered before Arthur could. "I will gladly tell you myself." He said. "But first you have to let me down!!!"

"Oh right sorry," she said. "Don't worry. I will get on that right away."

Red hurried over to the tree and untied the rope and lowered the bag to the ground. Then he untied the rope from the bag.

Once he opened he immediately backed away it a falcon suddenly popped its head and gasped, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

"Oh thank goodness," he gasped. "I was starting to think I would never get out of there. Man was it stuffy. The least the bloke who set the trap could do was put some blasted air holes in!"

"Wait is that a talking hawk?" Asked Red as she came over, looking in amazement. The rabbit had the same look on his.

"No correction," said the hawk, turning to face her and getting out of the bag. "I am a falcon. Hawks are slightly larger and are slower. Unlike falcons like me are smaller, and way faster. Not to mention-"

"We get it, Reg," said Arthur, annoyed. This was what he hated about this bird; that he was totally know it all and always tended to correct anyone who mistook him for a hawk. Still he and the rest of team put up with him because he was Merlin's familiar and followed his orders."Why don't you just introduce yourself to the confused girl?"

"Oh right. My apologies, milady" said Reggie as he straightened his feathers before turning back to face her. "I'm Reginald, but my friends call me Reggie. Pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you as well," said Red, breaking out her shock. "I am Red Riding Hood. Um what are you exactly?"

"Oh I'm a familiar," he replied. "And I already know how you are, Miss Hood."

"You do?" Both she and Arthur asked simultaneously in surprise. That was news to him. The girl said herself that she hated the F7. So, how on Fairytale Island did Reggie know her?

"Yes, of course," he said in an obvious tone. "After all, don't see many girls wearing hooded cloaks this time of year, including red ones."

"That still doesn't explain how you know her," snapped Arthur.

"Relax, your highness," said Reggie. "I was getting to that."

He then turned to Red and said, "As to your question, it's because I have been watching you for a while," he said.

"Wait what?" She asked. "Why?"

"It's because my master sent me to," he explained. "Prince Merlin."

Merlin sent him? That made this even more confusing.

"Prince Merlin?" asked Red, wide-eyed. "You mean the Prince Merlin?"

"No, I mean another Prince Merlin from another island, who just happens to also be a sorcerer and leader of a famous group of heroes. Of course that Prince Merlin. How many princes do you think there are with that name?"

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now